Back again!!
ok so i know every labour/pregnancy is different but is it true that your second baby is a shorter labour??? x
I've heard it is, and I've also heard your second baby weighs more, but I'm not sure how accurate it is x
ok so i know every labour/pregnancy is different but is it true that your second baby is a shorter labour??? x
I've heard it is, and I've also heard your second baby weighs more, but I'm not sure how accurate it is x
ok so i know every labour/pregnancy is different but is it true that your second baby is a shorter labour??? x
Hi Hun, im im sorry you've had such a hard start with BFing. Im a volunteer & bf peer supporter at our local baby cafe and the advice you've been given makes me so angry.if you don't want to please don't supplement with formula. You'll only cause yourself to have less milk. The 20 minute each side advice was awful.
As is the 4 hourly feeds. Newborns feed for much longer and much more frequently than that to get your supply up. 15 minutes on a pump will achieve nothing. Just let your little one stay attached as long as he wants. If he's been asleep more than a couple of hours change his nappy or take some clothes off to wake him up and keep him feeding. This website should really help: Breastfeeding your newborn
Yeah they do tend to be quicker and easier from what I've seen at work. A lot of the time I think (aside from it all being stretched etc) is that you know what's coming, you're more relaxed, and I think women tend to cope better. A lot of people have spent quite a few hrs in Hosp waiting for things to progress with their first and loads I've heard have said 'not doing that again' so you leave it later before you go in. Xx
We're told not to go in til contractions are 3 mins apart... Is that still hours from the end result???
Hello! Suzi- don't know if you have any advice, or anyone else for that matter. Story goes likes this... Oliver was born last Monday. That evening and Tuesday I breastfed him as I thought I was meant to. I was shown an hour after birth by one of the midwives but quite frankly I wasn't with it. I realised on Wednesday when midwife visited at home that I wasn't breastfeeding properly and Oliver was just sucking on my nipples which meant he didn't get much food and my nipples were painful. I was shown how to latch him on but once midwife left I couldn't work out how to do it. Cue a hungry baby that evening. Another midwife came on Thursday. She showed me another hold and told me to feed Oliver on demand for no longer than 20mins per boob. I did that and basically it ended up being 5-15mins every hour. Oliver would show signs of being hungry- tongue coming out, rubbing his mouth- and then I would give Him a little feed but he would soon stop as if he was full. Due to him being hungry every hour I didn't get any sleep really. Another midwife came on Saturday and weighed him. He had lost 1lb, 10.8% of his 9.2lb birth weight. She therefore said she was meant to refer us back to the hospital but would give us a couple more days. However we were to go on a feeding plan so to feed every 4 hours, but make sure he had at least 40min on one boob and then offer the other one up. We did this and he was weighed yesterday (2 days later) and he had gained 1oz. This is still a 10% weight loss so still concerned. So we have now been told to substitute one night feed with formula (no more than 3oz) and for me to try expressing for 15-20mins to stimulate milk production. She felt that I may not be producing enough milk and also felt that Oliver is a lazy drinker. He will graize given the chance so just take what he needs and then falls asleep at the breast, rather than fill his belly up. I'm following her advice and Oliver will be weighed again tomorrow but I can't help think that is goes against other advice. I thought my breast milk would increase by Oliver feeding but if I'm doing regimentally and not on demand, then how does this happen? Has anyone else had something similar? I thought that maybe the formula feed would be as well as, not instead of normal breast feed. As I say I'm sticking with mw instructions, but rather confused with mixed advice. X
Ladies with babies/experience
When should I be looking at a feeding routine? My sister had my nephew in a four hour routine (8, 12, 4, 8 etc) but we can't remember at what age. I'm kind of feeding on demand at the minute (formula feeding). Cole averages about three hours between bottles but then once it gets to about 6ish he wants more, like after two hours. Then in the night he goes 3.5-4 hours. He usually has 4-5oz. He's good at taking his bottle, he just messes with the extra evening feed and will only take approx 2oz. Just wondering what other mummies did to get their babies into a routine, at what age and what routine they followed x
Jess most people I kno have had a much easier labour on the second. Apparently it's coz everything has already been stretched from first delivery.
OH sister arrived at the hosp and delivered within half an hour!! Obv didn't hav time for any firm of pain relief in that time. N was home by lunch time the same day (he was born at 1am)
Yeah they do tend to be quicker and easier from what I've seen at work. A lot of the time I think (aside from it all being stretched etc) is that you know what's coming, you're more relaxed, and I think women tend to cope better. A lot of people have spent quite a few hrs in Hosp waiting for things to progress with their first and loads I've heard have said 'not doing that again' so you leave it later before you go in. Xx
We're told not to go in til contractions are 3 mins apart... Is that still hours from the end result???
Sounds like he's almost there hun! I wouldn't worry too much especially if he's going 3.5-4hrs at night. You will probably find he settles into it on his own and a middle of the night feed will be the one to be dropped first. X
Thanks Susie. He does well, he just throws in the odd random feed for no reason. Had his last bottle at 7.45 last night, went to sleep at 9 (was messing for ages, little sod!) then woke at 1.15 for his bottle so I can't complain x
That's brilliant! Yeah the random feeds can be a bit annoying but I guess it's only like us thinking hmm....I feel a bit peckish.....where's the chocolate?!Xx
Girls, anyone kno if its possible for baby to go back up, after being down for a few weeks?? Am so uncomfortable this past 3 evening. Feels like it did when baby was ramming her feet/bum in my ribs... Although still getting those pains when I sit n pressure down below... So dunno if she's just had a little growth spurt n is now filling up any extra room there was so is filling my rib cage and my pelvis????
I've no idea but I've had the same. Not recently as she's definitely dropped in the last week, but a week or two ago. One minute she'd be low and the next up really high again! I thought she was popping up and down, but that said - MW said today that my whole tummy is taken up by baby because of my height so although she's low now, she is high as well I suppose - probably due to growing nicelymaybe it's the same for you. Hopefully Susie might know? Xxx