I need help not to turn into an over protective new mum!! Stevie woke up on Thursday with a swollen eye. Didn't look too bad, thought he might have scratched it in the night. By dinner time it looked more swollen and red. Also had blotchy rash under both eyes. So I took him to the doctors who gave us eye cream and said to go back if worse. Friday it looked worse to me and my parents so I took him back. Saw a did doctor who also gave us penicillin to take with the cream and to keep an eye on him over the weekend. He explained that it was prob just an infected stye thing but could be something different and to ring 111 over the weekend if it got worse etc. Well yesterday I was ready to ring 111 at 12noon cos to me it was looking worse than how he'd woken up. Anyway I let him nap and the redness calmed down a touch and hubby convinced me to give it another 24hrs for the medicines to work etc Today when he woke it's not as dark (yesterday it was almost purple) but it's still swollen and I'm still struggling to get any cream in his eye!! So....my question is what should I do?? How long should it take to clear up?? I'm too nervous to google as I'll prob find the only story where something drastic happened!! But can someone help me?? Xx