Thanks ladies - it seems to have take a turn for the better - less red and possibly less swollen. Still keeping an eye on it and seriously contemplating takin him to the GP tomorrow if it's still the same - i don't want to seem stupid but like you have said, eyes are v sensitive. It might just need something a bit different x
That's a good tip- we've had a few leaky nappies, and I think the poppers don't help as they push the nappy up... Shall be trying that tonight- thanks xLadies with babies with leaky nappies Tom has solved our leaky nappy problem (knew there was a reason I married him!). Basically one night we'd not fastened all three poppers on his vest. As the nappy has got full it pushed out of the side of the vest. We think the poppers had been squeezing the wee up and out. He's in 9-12m vests which are too big for him but even they do it. So we leave a popper open now and pull the vests slightly to the side and haven't had a leaky nappy since (touch wood). Might not work for everyone but it's worked for usJust thought it might help a few of you out x
Ladies with babies with leaky nappies Tom has solved our leaky nappy problem (knew there was a reason I married him!). Basically one night we'd not fastened all three poppers on his vest. As the nappy has got full it pushed out of the side of the vest. We think the poppers had been squeezing the wee up and out. He's in 9-12m vests which are too big for him but even they do it. So we leave a popper open now and pull the vests slightly to the side and haven't had a leaky nappy since (touch wood). Might not work for everyone but it's worked for usJust thought it might help a few of you out x
Do not ever feel intimidated by a dr! I don't care if your time wasting or not it's your baby you know him best and your going for advice. When they start dismissing like that id ask to take a full name because if infact it does get worse I want to know who not to see. To them it may seem nothing to you it's your baby and he ha a rash and it's not looking right. ****** I've seen more time wasters sat in gp waiting room than anyone and I'm sorry but 5 min appts are not that big of deal. Ring up again and see someone you should not be made to feel like you can't book an appt just request not to see him. Cheeky swine. Sorry hormonal rant I think :-/
HV said to her it def looked like an allergic reaction. So we are writing everything He eats down then if it happens again we can look at it. Also once his face is clear, I can try half a teaspoon of yogurt and see what dairy he can actually tolerate (if any!!) x
Thought it sounded and looked more allergic Cai, do you give him antihistamine yet? If not might be worth getting some in just in case. Sorry you had trouble with your GP, we are not all bad you know ;-) xx