25 years old.Vegetarian .Calorie Counter
Thank you Katie .. Put my mind at ease I should be greatful of a rest from yucky nappies lol xxx
Hi ladies at what age did you put your little ones in their cot ? I know that you are supposed to wait until 6 months but i feel that ruby is getting too big for her Moses basket and it is disrupting her sleep pattern . The health visitor suggested moving her cot into our bedroom but this just isn't possible as their is no room and it would be a nightmare moving of out of her room as it's quite big . Just wondered what your experiences are?
I'm in the same situation- Oliver's cot won't fit in our bedroom so he'll have to go in his room very soon as he's a long baby and is getting too big for his Moses basket, plus he keeps bashing the sides with his arms and keeps waking himself up!Hi ladies at what age did you put your little ones in their cot ? I know that you are supposed to wait until 6 months but i feel that ruby is getting too big for her Moses basket and it is disrupting her sleep pattern . The health visitor suggested moving her cot into our bedroom but this just isn't possible as their is no room and it would be a nightmare moving of out of her room as it's quite big . Just wondered what your experiences are?
Ladies I need some advice/opinions regarding weaning- Obv Oliver isn't ready for it yet, he's only 9 weeks old but so many people have said to me 'oh you'll be weaning him early' just cos he's a big boy. I didn't think that his size mattered?? And what signs should I be looking for that's he's ready? And did anyone else wean before 17 weeks? X
We moved lucas into his own room at about 9/10weeks. Lucas was very long and got too long for his moses basket so we put the moses basket in his cot for a few nights and then he slept in there. His room was nxt door and doors were all open ect. First few nights were awful but eventually I calmed dwn and it was much better as wen he was in moses basket in our room I never slept!! Lucas was 9lb2oz and needed hungrier baby milk!! Lucas started havin baby rice about 16/17 weeks and then after a few weeks started with jars ect Xx Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
Has anyone got any advise regarding gas in baby's belly? I'm not 100% it is this but she squirms and goes bright red a lot. She has been suffering with colic, currently using colief and they do seem to work other than with the gas. She seems so unsettled all day unless she is sleeping but only seems to be cat napping. She is 5 wk's on wed. night time she seems to be fine, I think cos she is that worn out from being awake most of the day. I've tried infacol/ gripe water( only a couple times). bicycle legs and also trying a bit of baby massage every day. She has a big poo once a day and it's loads. Can anyone shed a light ? unhappy baby in the day and I can't get nothing done xx
Hi Kez, sounds so much like Bella was - best bit of advice I ever read was put baby down to sleep an hour and a half after they last woke (even if doesn't look tired) and get some sort of white noise going to settle her. We have a Ewan the dream sheep and I play it every time she has a nap. Hope this helps a little. Re gas, can only recommend gripe water (we put in cooled boiled water as messy from spoon) and rubbing back rather than patting when burping xx