Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

Anytime from Sunday will suit me classed as full term then lol
Hi ladies at what age did you put your little ones in their cot ? I know that you are supposed to wait until 6 months but i feel that ruby is getting too big for her Moses basket and it is disrupting her sleep pattern .
The health visitor suggested moving her cot into our bedroom but this just isn't possible as their is no room and it would be a nightmare moving of out of her room as it's quite big .
Just wondered what your experiences are?
Hi ladies at what age did you put your little ones in their cot ? I know that you are supposed to wait until 6 months but i feel that ruby is getting too big for her Moses basket and it is disrupting her sleep pattern . The health visitor suggested moving her cot into our bedroom but this just isn't possible as their is no room and it would be a nightmare moving of out of her room as it's quite big . Just wondered what your experiences are?

We got a crib for Cole as we didn't think his cot would go in our room (turns out it did, easily!). He went in the crib at 10 weeks then went in his cot in our room at about 4.5 months. He went in his own bedroom at just over 5 months as we were disturbing him in the night. Was the best thing we could have done. As soon as we did it he started sleeping through and having mega naps upstairs during the day. I know a few people have used travel cots as they're smaller so may fit in your room? I think our crib was about £50 from Kiddicare x
Hi ladies at what age did you put your little ones in their cot ? I know that you are supposed to wait until 6 months but i feel that ruby is getting too big for her Moses basket and it is disrupting her sleep pattern . The health visitor suggested moving her cot into our bedroom but this just isn't possible as their is no room and it would be a nightmare moving of out of her room as it's quite big . Just wondered what your experiences are?
I'm in the same situation- Oliver's cot won't fit in our bedroom so he'll have to go in his room very soon as he's a long baby and is getting too big for his Moses basket, plus he keeps bashing the sides with his arms and keeps waking himself up!
We've started by putting him in his basket in his room for naps so he gets used to being away from us and so far so good.
Also his room is right next to ours.
How old is Ruby now?
Ladies I need some advice/opinions regarding weaning-
Obv Oliver isn't ready for it yet, he's only 9 weeks old but so many people have said to me 'oh you'll be weaning him early' just cos he's a big boy.
I didn't think that his size mattered??
And what signs should I be looking for that's he's ready?
And did anyone else wean before 17 weeks? X
Ladies I need some advice/opinions regarding weaning- Obv Oliver isn't ready for it yet, he's only 9 weeks old but so many people have said to me 'oh you'll be weaning him early' just cos he's a big boy. I didn't think that his size mattered?? And what signs should I be looking for that's he's ready? And did anyone else wean before 17 weeks? X

I don't think it's the size of him that means you'll have to wean early. My friend had a 10lb baby and she weaned at dead on 6 months and even then he wasn't too bothered about food.
They advise 17 weeks or later because their tummies aren't ready for food before then apparently. Cole had baby rice at a few days before he was 17 weeks. He'd been watching us eat constantly and even chewing when we did. When we gave him a spoon he put it straight to his mouth. They also say they need to be able to hold their head up properly unsupported (in like a sitting position, not just lifting their head from laying down etc) without it flopping about. You know your baby. Don't be pressured into it before he's ready just because people say he's 'big'. And don't feel like you can't do it before 6 months because of what HV's say. Do it when Oliver is ready :)
Stevie went in his cot in his own room from about 8 weeks cos he was waking himself and us up!! We left all the doors open so didn't feel too far away.

Weaning - Stevie was 'big' born just short of 9lbs and didn't struggle to gain weight.
We tried some baby rice at about 13 weeks but it upset his tummy (found out 2 weeks later he had a cow milk protein allergy so could have been that)

Then we waited till 6 months! I think we officially started 2 weeks before at 24 weeks.
At 22 weeks I gave him a little smush but he wasn't too interested so didn't push him then xx
We moved lucas into his own room at about 9/10weeks. Lucas was very long and got too long for his moses basket so we put the moses basket in his cot for a few nights and then he slept in there. His room was nxt door and doors were all open ect. First few nights were awful but eventually I calmed dwn and it was much better as wen he was in moses basket in our room I never slept!!
Lucas was 9lb2oz and needed hungrier baby milk!! Lucas started havin baby rice about 16/17 weeks and then after a few weeks started with jars ect


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Thomas is still in our room, we're lucky his cot fits in fine. He'll be 6 months on 13th so should think about putting him in his own room but we like having him in ours.
Started baby cereal at 5 months and after 2 weeks we've started trying veggies.
We moved lucas into his own room at about 9/10weeks. Lucas was very long and got too long for his moses basket so we put the moses basket in his cot for a few nights and then he slept in there. His room was nxt door and doors were all open ect. First few nights were awful but eventually I calmed dwn and it was much better as wen he was in moses basket in our room I never slept!! Lucas was 9lb2oz and needed hungrier baby milk!! Lucas started havin baby rice about 16/17 weeks and then after a few weeks started with jars ect Xx Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app

That's a great idea- I think that's what we'll do , put his Moses basket in the cot to start with!
Forgot to say I think Thomas was about 5-8 weeks when we put him in his cot, he liked to see out which was why he didn't like his Moses basket x
We moved Oliver from his Moses basket after about 6'weeks. He was just too big for it. Moved him into a travel cot in our room til nearly 4 months then moved him to his cot in his room. For about a week we did day time naps in his cot to get him used to it, then nights too. We have a video camera and it comes wherever we do so we can hear and see him all the time.

In terms of weening we started at 17 weeks. Slowly moved from one meal a day to three, and increasing the amount as Oliver showed the need. He gradually decreased the amount of milk he needed. I would wake until baby shows signs of needing food. We were recommended to start at 17 weeks due to his reflux but some drs recommend starting later because of it, so just see how things are nearer the time I say
With Jacob he was out the Moses basket around 3 months old and as many did we put his basket in the cot for the first night, then tried just in cot and he was fine!
Weaning - from what I remember we started on baby rice just before 4 months old, then baby cereal then to veggies etc.

With Connor only been 8 weeks on Sunday he's not weaning yet lol. Also he's in a swinging crib this time as much bigger than Moses basket, still plenty of room, but hopefully will go fine into his cot when we swap over. Xx

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Has anyone got any advise regarding gas in baby's belly? I'm not 100% it is this but she squirms and goes bright red a lot. She has been suffering with colic, currently using colief and they do seem to work other than with the gas. She seems so unsettled all day unless she is sleeping but only seems to be cat napping. She is 5 wk's on wed. night time she seems to be fine, I think cos she is that worn out from being awake most of the day. I've tried infacol/ gripe water( only a couple times). bicycle legs and also trying a bit of baby massage every day. She has a big poo once a day and it's loads. Can anyone shed a light ? unhappy baby in the day and I can't get nothing done xx
Has anyone got any advise regarding gas in baby's belly? I'm not 100% it is this but she squirms and goes bright red a lot. She has been suffering with colic, currently using colief and they do seem to work other than with the gas. She seems so unsettled all day unless she is sleeping but only seems to be cat napping. She is 5 wk's on wed. night time she seems to be fine, I think cos she is that worn out from being awake most of the day. I've tried infacol/ gripe water( only a couple times). bicycle legs and also trying a bit of baby massage every day. She has a big poo once a day and it's loads. Can anyone shed a light ? unhappy baby in the day and I can't get nothing done xx

Hi Kez, sounds so much like Bella was - best bit of advice I ever read was put baby down to sleep an hour and a half after they last woke (even if doesn't look tired) and get some sort of white noise going to settle her. We have a Ewan the dream sheep and I play it every time she has a nap. Hope this helps a little.

Re gas, can only recommend gripe water (we put in cooled boiled water as messy from spoon) and rubbing back rather than patting when burping xx
Help!!! Potential allergy question.

Stevie has milk from the doctors cos the suspect cows milk protein allergy. No tests ever been done just gone on my explanation of symptoms.

Anyway today I have him an alpro soya yogurt as the HV said it would be ok.

I've now got a very restless baby - showing many of the same symptoms as when he was born. Restlessness, hitting his tummy, farting (which he doesn't do like these!!) and screaming/crying!!

I know soya is in quite a lot of things so is it just coincidence as I'm sure he will have had soya already!?!

Any suggestions?? Xx
Hi Kez, sounds so much like Bella was - best bit of advice I ever read was put baby down to sleep an hour and a half after they last woke (even if doesn't look tired) and get some sort of white noise going to settle her. We have a Ewan the dream sheep and I play it every time she has a nap. Hope this helps a little. Re gas, can only recommend gripe water (we put in cooled boiled water as messy from spoon) and rubbing back rather than patting when burping xx

I've been reading up a lot on reflux and it sounds to me like this could be the problem. She does spit up some food. not a lot but she does do it throughout the day. She always has hiccups/bit sniffly / bringing legs up/ seems gassy. and this is on n off all day, between the hrs of 6.30 - 5 I'd say she had 3 hrs max sleeps, all interrupted. She seems fine over the shoulder but when I put her down she cries. xx
Cai I can't remember how old Stevie is but I think you should get referred to a paed specialising in allergy, they don't really like testing too young but he seems to be having lots of reactions lately poor boy!
I'm sensitive to soy if it's listed way down the ingredients I'm fine but if I have soya powder/milk as are in most of the
Vlcd shakes I swell n get a rash.

Ben has reflux and was so sick he would literally want feeding hourly as he couldn't keep anything in, we tried gaviscon at first which helped a bit then moved on to aptamil anti reflux which is amazing however it does cause terrible constipation so he now has to have movicol. If she's not too bad maybe give the gaviscon a whirl xx