Big Bird
Get tweaking your nipples!!! Apparently that stimulates the same thing as good sex and can help out. Not sure if it's a tried and tested method but It came up a LOT when I was googling. They said to do it for about 5-10 mins a few times a day. I'd have no chance, my nipples constantly hurt, but if yours are ok it's worth a try ;-) xxx
I've heard this one too - they do hurt quite a bit tbh so not sure if it'll work but I'll attempt to go through the pain barrier if it'll kick labour off! I keep hearing stories of women who went into labour the day before their induction date so you never know
Or... Could be TMI but if you have anything "toy" related.... This will do the same job as sex but gets rid of the "unwilling hubby" aspect lolha x can't believe I'm suggesting that, but I am! Xx
Hmmm now that is an idea!