Pregnant with Baby No 2!
Oh Frances, huge cuddles xx I can't imagine how tough this time of year is for you. I find anniversaries very hard too, but the fact that this is your mum - it must be incredibly hard
Try not to worry too much, I had a bit of a meltdown in October after John's grandad suddenly dying, my cousin almost dying etc etc and phoned the MW crying my eyes out, panicking that all of these tears would effect baby. She reassured me and told me not to worry - basically what Susie said. My MW said that babies are very resilient and will likely not have a clue what's going on, she said its more once the baby is here when they MAY pick up on stress or tense atmospheres.
I hope you are ok, but if you need to let it out then that's what you need to do. Big cuddles xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I hope you are ok, but if you need to let it out then that's what you need to do. Big cuddles xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx