Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

I don't have a bath (Sob) so not researched it at all but I'd just be careful what I put in it...
I wouldn't use a radox type in case it relaxes something that shouldn't be... But you know me by now.. I won't colour my hair, drink coffee or have my nails done... So I think may be a tad OVER cautious...
I know pregnant women do these things ALL the time and have perfectly healthy babies.. But some women drink pints the whole way through too n I won't be doing that...

Yeah everyone's different. I've had one or two weak coffee's if I've fancied it (instant, not the strong costa stuff) and if I go to someone's house I'll have a normal tea but I daren't dye my hair either. That said I'm having my nails done tomorrow (manicure and shellac). Have literally had one sip of bucks fizz at a wedding and that's about it. But like we've said before we'll all do what we each feel comfortable with and none of us would ever knowingly risk hurting our bumps x
Yeah everyone's different. I've had one or two weak coffee's if I've fancied it (instant, not the strong costa stuff) and if I go to someone's house I'll have a normal tea but I daren't dye my hair either. That said I'm having my nails done tomorrow (manicure and shellac). Have literally had one sip of bucks fizz at a wedding and that's about it. But like we've said before we'll all do what we each feel comfortable with and none of us would ever knowingly risk hurting our bumps x

Over here, way back when, hospitals used to actually recommend women have a glass of guinness a week during pregnancy.. Altho its alcohol, its PACKED with iron.. So was good for baby... And am sure the odd glass of wine wouldn't hurt... ;)
Over here, way back when, hospitals used to actually recommend women have a glass of guinness a week during pregnancy.. Altho its alcohol, its PACKED with iron.. So was good for baby... And am sure the odd glass of wine wouldn't hurt... ;)

My gran used to drink stout when she was pregnant for the same reason. I'm not usually a drinker at all. I can go months without one. I don't go out clubbing etc and if we go out for food I usually drive so don't bother with it. I think it's more the fact that I 'cant' have it. And by cant I mean I wont let myself, not that people say I cant. When I was 17 (and didn't know much about pregnancy) a girl from school got pregnant and I used to see her in clubs every week, steaming, with a cig in her mouth and a pint in her hand. Baby was born at 6 months and has had nothing but trouble since and she's always fundraising for a new treatment he needs. I'm not saying it's connected, because I know it could happen to anyone, but my naïve 17 year old brain told me it was her own fault so I always said I'd NEVER touch it when I was pregnant. Weird the things we remember.
I've been like that for ages can pee and need again straight after! Really frustrating and my pees are no longer satisfying either LOL

I've had a gin and tonic bath bomb not long ago, was lovely lol
Has anyone had really bad back pain? I've got bad pain in the right lower back since yesterday :-(
Has anyone had really bad back pain? I've got bad pain in the right lower back since yesterday :-(

Yes :( Some days I get it really bad, once it was so painful I was in tears. lol :(

That said, I haven't really had it for a few weeks. Sometimes I get it if I've "over-done" it that day, or the day before. By "over-done" it, I mean silly things now like hoovering - that really kills me now. On Sunday I was washing up at the in-laws after a roast and I must have been standing funny because my back was really aching then...I personally just think it's my body's way of telling me housework is bad for me :D

Hope your back pain goes for you x it can be due to everything stretching etc x
My back only hurts if I'm standing for long periods... But soon as I sit it eases off..
After hoovering/mopping the floors my back hurts too but that's more coz of my lack of fitness than pregnancy.. Coz that's always been the case.. lol
My back only hurts if I'm standing for long periods... But soon as I sit it eases off..
After hoovering/mopping the floors my back hurts too but that's more coz of my lack of fitness than pregnancy.. Coz that's always been the case.. lol

Oh how strange?! I'm the opposite. If I sit down for too long (like at work) I get a really bad back and I have to keep getting up and moving around to ease it. It's really annoying because I want to sit down lol

I was always a little bit nackered after hoovering ;) lol but now there's a real difference. It really does my back and my hips in. Maybe I'm not hoovering properly ha ha x
Oh how strange?! I'm the opposite. If I sit down for too long (like at work) I get a really bad back and I have to keep getting up and moving around to ease it. It's really annoying because I want to sit down lol

I was always a little bit nackered after hoovering ;) lol but now there's a real difference. It really does my back and my hips in. Maybe I'm not hoovering properly ha ha x
In fairness I only hoover the stairs.. The rest of my house is wooden floors.. Altho i hoover them too but they're only laminates so no effort in them really..
I get a sore back if I sit with no back support.. But usually I wouldn't do that unless i'm in someone elses house or soemthing... At home n work I always support my lower back.. But that's pre-pregnancy too
I get awful backache when I sit for too long. It's in my lower back and the top of my bottom. Really hurts when it starts.
Haha glad it's not just me! My gran pampered me today and it's eased a bit so hope I get more sleep tonight!
Aww hope it improves! I was crying last night was so sore :-(
Yeah after 3 hours of walking around town the other day i got to breaking point and could barely walk lol Fun stuff....!! :(
Hi Ladies,

I hope you're all well this morning.

I have something that is now starting to really bother me, it didn't 2 weeks or so ago but it's now getting to the point where it's starting to effect me...

As you've all seen, I have a good-sized bump for 21 weeks pregnant - which could be due to a lot of factors. Overweight before pregnancy, I'm very short (5 ft 3), could be down to size of the baby but I don't think it is (tell you why in a moment), lots of fluid etc.

Now this is fine, and it didn't bother me at all 2 weeks ago. I was proud of it. Meant the outside world can know I'm pregnant, and of course I'd be happy/proud - I'm more than ecstatic that I'm pregnant.

But, during the last two weeks, I have had constant, and I mean CONSTANT comments from people at work, family members etc. Which, at first I admit was really nice. It's nice to be "showing" after all isn't it? :) Now though, I'm getting a bit...I wouldn't say "upset" because that would sound too strong...but I'm a bit miffed...paranoid maybe. This past week especially, the same people at work - every single day without fail either say "Hello Fatty", "WHOOOAHH you're SO much bigger today than you were yesterday" (and they say this every day), or "Gosh! You're big!".

I never ever thought I'd be one to moan, or complain by people's comments when it came to my pregnant tum. I thought I'd absolutely love it. The same goes with random people coming up to me and touching my belly - didn't think I'd have a problem...
But I do :(

The rational-pregnant side of me is ok with the comments. I know people aren't saying it to be nasty, or anything like that. Plus, I am pregnant and I expect comments at some point about my growing belly. However, the fairly self-concious, chubby girl which is still here is hating all of the comments. :( I'm not enjoying them. Like, I sit here and I think, what gives anyone the right to say "Hello fatty" to me? I'd never say that to someone - even the smallest of women who are pregnant - because like most pregant women (not all) - they are probably feeling a little self-concious, or unattractive because their body is undergoing a lot of changes which are out of their control.

It's the "Wow, you're SO much bigger than yesterday, today" - which is fine - I will grow! But I get that EVERY day, by the same people and I think, well, I'm growing - yes, but I know for a fact I'm not growing THAT much.

I've had the "I reckon you're having a big baby" comments. That doesn't bother me too much, I don't mind having a big baby so long as their healthy but sometimes I wish people would keep their opinions to themselves! At the end of the day, I still have 18 weeks or so of growing to do and comments like this do not help my self-esteem!

I even asked the sonographer last Friday after the scan if she thinks I'm having a big baby (wtf?! It doesn't even matter but I felt compelled to ask) and she said no, not at this stage. Apparently my baby is well within the normal range, but she's actually a little smaller than average at the moment. Why did I feel the need to ask though?! As long as my baby is healthy I don't mind how much she weighs.

Anyway, I'm rambling now. I feel so bad saying all of this because I don't want people to think I'm not grateful for being pregnant, because I really am, but I'm getting a little tired by all of the "wow you're massive" comments. I'm still a woman with a few little appearance issues....

Has anyone else experienced this?! :( xx
Hi Ladies,

I hope you're all well this morning.

I have something that is now starting to really bother me, it didn't 2 weeks or so ago but it's now getting to the point where it's starting to effect me...

As you've all seen, I have a good-sized bump for 21 weeks pregnant - which could be due to a lot of factors. Overweight before pregnancy, I'm very short (5 ft 3), could be down to size of the baby but I don't think it is (tell you why in a moment), lots of fluid etc.

Now this is fine, and it didn't bother me at all 2 weeks ago. I was proud of it. Meant the outside world can know I'm pregnant, and of course I'd be happy/proud - I'm more than ecstatic that I'm pregnant.

But, during the last two weeks, I have had constant, and I mean CONSTANT comments from people at work, family members etc. Which, at first I admit was really nice. It's nice to be "showing" after all isn't it? :) Now though, I'm getting a bit...I wouldn't say "upset" because that would sound too strong...but I'm a bit miffed...paranoid maybe. This past week especially, the same people at work - every single day without fail either say "Hello Fatty", "WHOOOAHH you're SO much bigger today than you were yesterday" (and they say this every day), or "Gosh! You're big!".

I never ever thought I'd be one to moan, or complain by people's comments when it came to my pregnant tum. I thought I'd absolutely love it. The same goes with random people coming up to me and touching my belly - didn't think I'd have a problem...
But I do :(

The rational-pregnant side of me is ok with the comments. I know people aren't saying it to be nasty, or anything like that. Plus, I am pregnant and I expect comments at some point about my growing belly. However, the fairly self-concious, chubby girl which is still here is hating all of the comments. :( I'm not enjoying them. Like, I sit here and I think, what gives anyone the right to say "Hello fatty" to me? I'd never say that to someone - even the smallest of women who are pregnant - because like most pregant women (not all) - they are probably feeling a little self-concious, or unattractive because their body is undergoing a lot of changes which are out of their control.

It's the "Wow, you're SO much bigger than yesterday, today" - which is fine - I will grow! But I get that EVERY day, by the same people and I think, well, I'm growing - yes, but I know for a fact I'm not growing THAT much.

I've had the "I reckon you're having a big baby" comments. That doesn't bother me too much, I don't mind having a big baby so long as their healthy but sometimes I wish people would keep their opinions to themselves! At the end of the day, I still have 18 weeks or so of growing to do and comments like this do not help my self-esteem!

I even asked the sonographer last Friday after the scan if she thinks I'm having a big baby (wtf?! It doesn't even matter but I felt compelled to ask) and she said no, not at this stage. Apparently my baby is well within the normal range, but she's actually a little smaller than average at the moment. Why did I feel the need to ask though?! As long as my baby is healthy I don't mind how much she weighs.

Anyway, I'm rambling now. I feel so bad saying all of this because I don't want people to think I'm not grateful for being pregnant, because I really am, but I'm getting a little tired by all of the "wow you're massive" comments. I'm still a woman with a few little appearance issues....

Has anyone else experienced this?! :( xx
I hear ya!! Except i'm getting "are you sure your dates are right? You're tiny!"
Yes i'm sure my dates are right.. I've been watching tracking and diary-ing every last period, CM n O trend for almost 4 f*king years d1ckhead!
And J (of all people) called me Fatso the other day... I almost cried!! We were having a giggle and i'd been having a rant about how I'd gained my 1.5lbs n was making a joke of it so he didn't know how I really felt..
And one of the girls in work find it hilarious to call me "fatty" And makes out like i'm in the wrong pulling her up on it coz "you know i'm jokin'"
I hear ya!! Except i'm getting "are you sure your dates are right? You're tiny!"
Yes i'm sure my dates are right.. I've been watching tracking and diary-ing every last period, CM n O trend for almost 4 f*king years d1ckhead!
And J (of all people) called me Fatso the other day... I almost cried!! We were having a giggle and i'd been having a rant about how I'd gained my 1.5lbs n was making a joke of it so he didn't know how I really felt..
And one of the girls in work find it hilarious to call me "fatty" And makes out like i'm in the wrong pulling her up on it coz "you know i'm jokin'"

It's rubbish isn't it. Especially when "I was only joking" comments are thrown back at you! It's like p*ss off! How would they like it if I just said "Hello Fatty!!!!" to someone one day? It's just rude. :(

You know I said hubby said something a couple of weeks ago which was unforgiveable? Well it was just before my consultant appointment (because of BMI), and although I've been really open about it on here in front of you lot, I've been really embarrassed about it and didn't tell any of my family I was going to see a consultant beforehand. Just John.

Anyway, John wasn't going to come with me, but I was getting increasingly anxious (because I didn't know what to expect, and I was scared she'd make me feel like sh*t) so I asked him to come with me. He said "no". I pretty much begged him to and said to him that it's his duty. This is what he signed up for, coming to all the appointments etc, and his reply? "I didn't sign up for f**king fat club".

Well, I was absolutely inconsolable. Howling (crying) like an injured animal. I was SO upset. He's never in 6 years upset me like he did making that comment. I just walked out of the house in floods and went on my own :( Anyway, I had like a million missed calls and texts from him apologising, and I'm fine now, but I don't think I'll EVER forget it.

I think it's since then I'm just a lot more paranoid about my pregnant belly :( The comments I'm getting now do not help things xx
Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: Brands, Feeding, Nursery, Bathing, Everything!

Ahh I haven't had to experience this yet but I know if I do I will get really upset .. I've always been conscious about my weight and like you said when your pregnant people should be a bit more sensitive and consider that actually we might feel a bit self conscious about our bodies.. The last thing we need is people reminding us of the fact we are getting bigger by the minute !
Hi Ladies, I hope you're all well this morning. I have something that is now starting to really bother me, it didn't 2 weeks or so ago but it's now getting to the point where it's starting to effect me... As you've all seen, I have a good-sized bump for 21 weeks pregnant - which could be due to a lot of factors. Overweight before pregnancy, I'm very short (5 ft 3), could be down to size of the baby but I don't think it is (tell you why in a moment), lots of fluid etc. Now this is fine, and it didn't bother me at all 2 weeks ago. I was proud of it. Meant the outside world can know I'm pregnant, and of course I'd be happy/proud - I'm more than ecstatic that I'm pregnant. But, during the last two weeks, I have had constant, and I mean CONSTANT comments from people at work, family members etc. Which, at first I admit was really nice. It's nice to be "showing" after all isn't it? :) Now though, I'm getting a bit...I wouldn't say "upset" because that would sound too strong...but I'm a bit miffed...paranoid maybe. This past week especially, the same people at work - every single day without fail either say "Hello Fatty", "WHOOOAHH you're SO much bigger today than you were yesterday" (and they say this every day), or "Gosh! You're big!". I never ever thought I'd be one to moan, or complain by people's comments when it came to my pregnant tum. I thought I'd absolutely love it. The same goes with random people coming up to me and touching my belly - didn't think I'd have a problem... But I do :( The rational-pregnant side of me is ok with the comments. I know people aren't saying it to be nasty, or anything like that. Plus, I am pregnant and I expect comments at some point about my growing belly. However, the fairly self-concious, chubby girl which is still here is hating all of the comments. :( I'm not enjoying them. Like, I sit here and I think, what gives anyone the right to say "Hello fatty" to me? I'd never say that to someone - even the smallest of women who are pregnant - because like most pregant women (not all) - they are probably feeling a little self-concious, or unattractive because their body is undergoing a lot of changes which are out of their control. It's the "Wow, you're SO much bigger than yesterday, today" - which is fine - I will grow! But I get that EVERY day, by the same people and I think, well, I'm growing - yes, but I know for a fact I'm not growing THAT much. I've had the "I reckon you're having a big baby" comments. That doesn't bother me too much, I don't mind having a big baby so long as their healthy but sometimes I wish people would keep their opinions to themselves! At the end of the day, I still have 18 weeks or so of growing to do and comments like this do not help my self-esteem! I even asked the sonographer last Friday after the scan if she thinks I'm having a big baby (wtf?! It doesn't even matter but I felt compelled to ask) and she said no, not at this stage. Apparently my baby is well within the normal range, but she's actually a little smaller than average at the moment. Why did I feel the need to ask though?! As long as my baby is healthy I don't mind how much she weighs. Anyway, I'm rambling now. I feel so bad saying all of this because I don't want people to think I'm not grateful for being pregnant, because I really am, but I'm getting a little tired by all of the "wow you're massive" comments. I'm still a woman with a few little appearance issues.... Has anyone else experienced this?! :( xx

I had the same from a couple of people at work.

Luckily there was another pregnant lady at work and I know she had the same so I knew not to take it personally!!

On the odd time when I had really had enough I said things like 'I'm pregnant , what's yr excuse??' Or 'at least I'm pregnant and have an excuse unlike some..' Leaving them a bit baffled And 'sorry have u seen a mirror?'
Think that soon went around and it stopped.

When I was working at the end I was quite obviously bigger ( we had our 6 weeks holidays and I came back bigger obviously) so I 'got in there' before some people... And when talking about our holidays I would say 'no need to mention it, I know I'm bigger but that's my duty to feed this baby!' No one mentioned it much then.

As for the bump touching - I made a very loud comment in front of a few members of staff and said 'if people touch me I'm going to take it that they want a slap!' Only 1 lady at wrk then couldn't resist and I stepped back and said 'do you mind I haven't ever touched you' and I know it offended her a little and I did go confess to my boss in case she was very upset - working in a school means its 99% female staff and sometimes emotions run high!! Lol xx