Pregnancy and Slimming World

Congratulations cheeky!!! Welcome to the world dizzy issy :) I can't believe how quick between your waters breaking and delivery was! Amazing! x
Sorry for the double post! I weighed myself today...i was dreading it! Not weighed myself in 2ish weeks, I'm the same! I'm not sure how, i feel a lot bigger in my tummy...i have the confuzzles! :giggle:
Thankyou Lukasmummy i just feel a bit frustrated i just want to know baby is ok so will either have to wait for my midwife to sort it out after july or maybe i will give the midwife a call if i can get through to sort out a scan date for me. I just feel very horrible, a tiny bit feverish and my lower tummy and groin area hurts. I just like going to the midwife to hear the babys heartbeat otherwise i find them a waste of time as they are not that helpful and just want to get rid of you quick. I also feel a bit lonely too as dh is not being very sympathetic (he never is untill after the 1st scan) and i dont have any friends to share anything with.
Trust me sweetie urine infections will make you feel like crap, I pretty much have one constantly when pregnant they don't understand why but I am always shocked on the very rare occasion that they say I don't have protein or blood (usually both lol) in a sample. You would think after 5 pregnancies they would have accepted that's just the way it is with me but they always seem surprised lol, if you really are worried you could always give your local hospital a call, I can't remember how many weeks you are but if less than 12 an early pregnancy unit or urgent gynaecology (hospitals usually have one or the other depending on the area, we have both lol) will usually be more than happy to see you and check everything is ok. High risk pregnancies and problems are much more my area of expertise than anything normal lol it's never dull when I am pregnant that's for sure lol. Hugs Crystal xx
I had SPD when I had my son sounds like this they gave me a brace to wear round my back and hips and it really did help when I had it on as without it I could hardly walk

:eek: really hope its not the start of spd, my sister had it and was in agony, no brace though, maybe thats why she was in so much pain!
Exciting times! We bought a house. We're moving soon hopefully at the end of the month from third floor one bedroom flat into a 3 bed semi detached with a garden.

I'm happy but nervous. Husband all full of man pride because he's 'providing a house for wife and baby' and it makes me want to cry he seems so chuffed with himself.

Completely wipes out all of our savings in fees, costs etc but we should be okay!

Baby might be going home to somewhere new, with their own wee room!

Doubtless in a few months I'll be moaning about the amount of cleaning in a 3 bed but for now it's all very exciting.

Also my baby turned upside down on the ticker! Wheeee!

Uh oh: Just ate a 1/4 of a sticky toffee pudding. So much for trying to be a bit more on track:(
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Congratulations Lexi on your new pad, at least itis all sorted for before the baby is born and you are settled :)
wow, 1/4 you want to see what I can manage, that is good, you are pregnant after all :)
Congrats on the house Lexie... Everything is coming together :)
How cute is the upside down baby!! cant wait! 4 more weeks till my bub dances on his head too then! LOL .. Though i expect babe wont really go head down for a fair while aftr that though, this baby just loves shuvving its head in my side ribs lol.

lexi thats great news about the house, how exciting. I bet that nesting instinct will really kick in!.. have you bought or renting? i only ask as you only have 6 weeks to go and completion can take so long! my poor friend moved 3 weeks before she popped, it was a nightmare!
youl have a whole room to decorate! eeeek!

We're buying and it's a new build so it was at 80% completion when we saw it last week. Eeeek. They wee sales office woman is hassling the builders "That pregnant lassies moving BEFORE this baby, you's better get a move on" Which I find hilarious.

On a side note - anyone when they're in 3 trimester feeling, well, funny? I've always loved my husband, there's times when he drives me up the wall admittedly but he's always been my best friend. Just now though I'm like a limpet. I actually asked him to dance with me the other night in the living room :eek:. This is a man who didn't dance at his own wedding.

I don't know if its a hormonal thing, like relationship nesting but it's all very strange. It's like that first flush of going out all over again. Listening to Billie Holiday and similar era music, Etta Jones and things. My husband thinks I've lost it.
I think he'd prefer me being crabbit. He's terrified.
Hiya all,

Thank you for your posts. I.must admit I'm proper smitten with Dizzy Izzy lol

Lexie - It defiantly your 3rd Trimester hormones lol I found hubby became irrisable and I also become very clingy to him. Wanted to be near him all the time.

Good Luck with your house

Now this is where my baby brain kicks in and can't recall everyones posts so.... I'll just say hope you're all ok lol

Sadly my optimistic breastfeeding hasn't been going very well in the past 24hrs. Izzy latched on brilliantly at first but we've had a few problems and now I'm very very sore. I'm currently expressing my milk and feeding her. Im happy to do this as I'm great believer that the options of expressing and feeding via a bottle should be more widely offered as an option.

On my weight I gained a total of 14.5 lbs started at 12st 2.5lb and weighed 13st 3lb on my induction day. I've had a look at the scales and just in 2days I've dropped 10lbs and my tummy has almost gone down.

I'm not doing SW just yet, I'm gonna join a class to get nice new paperwork and then do it at home.

Do you ladies mind if I hang around this board? Feel a bit lost without you ladies lol x
Aww cheeky, its nice to hear that despite some 'problems' your still managing to get that booby magic in dizzy izzy! Hopefully expressing works well for you and you can continue!

massive well done to you re: the weight front!!


Stick around!!.. i'd love to see how you get on xx
Aye stick around Cheeky - that way you can tell us all baby stuff/SW stuffs :) Plus the boards will be emptying soon as a few new peeps but not many.

Hopefully once you a little less sore try latching on again?

Good news on the weight drop! Xx
It is wierd - but I'm not the only one, loads of girls decided to try for babies as they announced the office closing last August. If you time it right (like I did :D) you get full maternity pay along with your redundancy

My plan (at the mojo) is to take 9 months off on maternity, I will then be made redundant, then use my redundancy, along with tax/child credits and anything we've got saved to take another year off!
I just think when I've got this opportunity to spend a lot of time with my baby, I would be foolish not to...

So if I stick to my plans, then I will be 'out of work' from August until potentially June 2013!!! Eeek how scary!

After that I have no idea - I have this idea in my head that my career ambitions will change totally after having a baby and I'll be happy working in a supermarket or shop somewhere part time, but I really don't know!

Sarah you're so so lucky :D, i don't blame you for taking this opportunity! I would, so jealous of you but hey still get 6 mths off at full pay so shouldn't complain!
