Bunny that's fab!! I can't wait for that to happen!!
My movements have only just started getting strong enough for me to sometimes feel them on the outside, but hubby is too impatient to keep his hand there for long enough. It's a bit of a pain because all my movement is still really low down so a bit awkward!!
Cheeky - so glad everything is going well with you and Dizzy Izzy!!
Leanne - I started showing from about 10 weeks (to me) and I had just dropped from an 18 to a 16. I think this was because I carry my weight quite evenly so anything going straight onto my tummy was different for me! Also it totally depends on what I'm wearing - even now if I'm wearing something shapeless and baggy then you can't really tell, but if I go for something fitted, I look all bump (which I love!!)
Hope everyone's doing ok and those of you feeling yucky are feeling better.
I'm still really sore from my fall but I think it's getting better slowly, I can sleep a lot better now which is great, but it's still soft seats and getting up I've got problems with.
Just worked out I have 10 weeks left in work - eek!! And I have so much to do before then, how time flies!!