Pregnancy and Slimming World

I might not have calculated my dates right as the last two months have been all over the place, not actually sure how far gone it is lol. I can not wait till Sunday to confirm I am definately am pregnant, then Monday I can book an appointment to confirm what my dates are. but I have all the symptoms of before and I keep testing each day which keeps coming up positive.

I would definately say you are more weeks than what you have on your ticker. It is literally impossible to get a positive pregnancy test that early, except for in some IVF cases, as some of the work is already done when the egg gets put back in.

I hope your appointment comes round quickly. Good luck :)
I think I am but don't know the dates until I get blood test from doctor, grrrr!

I did a clear blue digital test on Saturday and it came up with 3+ weeks, so basically I am at least 5 weeks pregnant :)
I have to go for a glucose test tomorrow. No food from 10pm tonight, which is fine since I'll be in bed by 9pm anyway! Then I have to have blood taken, drink some skanky carton of lucozade type stuff, sit around for 2hrs in the waiting room watching Jeremy Kyle (argh!) and then have more blood taken.

It's a bit of a pointless test for me as they've only booked it in because I have a little bit extra fluid around baby. All my blood and water tests have been normal so I'm a bit peed off to be honest. I saw a consultant yesterday and she was useless. They couldn't find my notes or find me on the computer. Rubbish! I saw a nice consultant in October who had no problem! Meh!
hi guys, hope your all doing well.

Im a bit miffed this morn on the weight gain front, im now 10st 8.5- 8.5lbs on in 3 weeks. I know that its because iv not been 100% but im a bit upset with how fast its gone on. Im at home today as i began throwing up again this morning.. and the blood vessels that keep bursting behind my eyes cos its so violant have come up again so i look a bit hidous. Im so tired.

glad everyones tests are coming back normal and things are progressing well! x
My scales battery ran out, I have no idea what I weigh now and midwife wasn't keen on me going to Slimming World :(

I've been eating fairly okay, not totally SW friendly but trying to keep the 1/3 fuit veg where I can.

I almost blacked out in Asda this morning, V scary. I'd been feeling dizzy on and off for the past few weeks - usually when taking the stairs (we're on the 3rd floor), went to midwife got told BP is in my boots

Husband snoring horrendoucly again, so at 4am gave up walked the dog, jumped in the car and went to Asda, got a few tins of soup, a mop nothing really exciting. Was paying and almost blacked out. Felt shaky, all sweaty, nauseated, warm and started getting tunnel vision.

Admitted the game was up and sat on the self service checkout scales with my head between my legs.

Then the wee night staff woman was lovely but V concerned - had to reassure her by sitting in the shop for 10 minutes with a bottle of water before she would let me out.

I'm not impressed with this, let me tell you :(
I had lunch out today and saw a women eating chicken cornation and nearly wanted to throw up over it, lol. Went toilet and nearly fell asleep as so tired and hot. I had lectures all day today so of to bed now extremely shattered as I had a crap night sleep as was too hot. I can not wait till the 31st March when I hand over my dissertation, yay :)
lexie, same happened to me in next whilst shopping the other day- i really didnt want another ambulance and the first aider was really worried.. i had to drink the biggest cup of cold iced water before she'd let me leave! its not nice is it.

Im a bit dissapointed that i was poorly again today and had to have the day off work again. :eek:( x all the bloood vessels keep bursting under my eyes everytime i puke cos i strain so hard. now i look rather hidous and have work tomo.

is anyone else morning sickness not like usual sickness.. i dont puke up food, i puke up clear bile, and then it turns orange/yellow and burns, theres not loads but its so painful to bring up! TMI maybe..?
I had that all through my pregnancy with my son and I lost 2 stone :( I used to find that eating a bit of banana after eating something and then when I was sick it felt easier to be sick n didn't burn

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 14s 1lb Loss: 6lb
Sound like you're bringing up stomach acid.

Have you tried indigestion relief Fern? To take the burn off? Might help with the nausea slightly too.

Re the almost faint in Asda - i went back tonight with hubby in tow and handed in a wee thank you card for the night shift lady. I had to convince her it wasn't requiring an ambulance, first aider or a phone call home.

Bought a box of Smart price ice lollies tonight and have eaten about 4. Only 27 cals each. I think I might be dehydrated so making an extra effort to shove in as much fluid in any form possible.
I love monster munch pickled onion - I don't know whether it is a pregnant craving or just me loving them lol But I treat myself today soon before uni at the syn value of 10 syns, well worth every munch :D
I haven't had any cravings as such but I did find myself eating about 8 gherkins straight out of the jar yesterday...
yes cream cheese is fine, in fact so are unpasturised hard cheeses like Parmesan, as listeria can only live in soft cheeses, the main ones to be wary of is anything blue and ones like bree x
Hi guys, been a while since I've been on here. Not being doing too good with the eating of late. I'm 40+3 and fed up :sigh:, can't wait to meet my 2nd baby. I've been off work for 3 wks now and can't seem to stop eating. Looking forward to the baby coming so I can get into a routine and back to SW - keep trying to get back on track and start each morning great but by the time it gets to tea time the 'sod it I'm fat anyway' thoughts start creeping in and I stuff my face :(.

I've put 3 stone on and am pretty disgusted with myself at the moment which is not helping the binging. Oh well hopfully I'll be able to get back on track once the little one arrives.

Good luck to everyone with your pregnancies. xx