I have cut back to 2 teas (recommended 200mg of caffine) and lots of flavored still water, can not stomach plain water, I really can not, it is so dame boring!!!
I have also got decaf coffee, so annoyed that decaf tea tastes yuk ow well.
My sister that I don't really speak gave me a scare - I have previously had a miscarrige (didn't drink no caffine at the time, still had it!)
She told me that my mum had a still born and that she was 3 months early, my OH said if that was true it would be in the paper, TBH I don't know what to think.
I just keep reminding myself that I am not my mum and their is that risk for everyone but their is better knowledge and sometimes I have no control in life, just got to be positive and be as chilled out as possiable through this pregnancy
I really can not wait for the 12week, feels like an eternity!!!!