Hi guys!! I have my beautiful angel here with me now!! I don't even know where to start, nothing could have prepared me for the onslaught of emotions I've felt since I had her. From the moment I laid eyes on her, it really was a thunderbolt moment and I really haven't stopped crying since. I'm just so grateful for being blessed with such a precious gift (yes, I have indeed become one of "those" moms).
Gosh it's been a long weekend! Went to the hospital on Thursday as scheduled at 7:30am having eaten nothing since 8pm the night before and at 5:30pm (!!!) we get a nurse come to say they won't be able to fit me in because they had had a lot of emergency c - sections and the echeduled ones were more complicated than they anticipated. The whole atmosphere and vibe in the hospital on Thursday was all so panicked and stressy which made me really nervous. You know like how you see in the movies with nurses and doctors darting about, shouting for blood transfusions etc. Ack! And because of my history with fibroids and myomectomy they thought my operation would be pretty complex as well. So anyway I was relieved to leave and come back the next morning. It just wasn't meant to be that Thursday and I took it as a good sign.
So anyway on Friday we're off again to theatre and it couldn't have been more different from the day before! It was all beautifully calm and serene and I was told later by the sweet Zimbabwean nurse that they had better doctors in that day so I was lucky. So I was taken into the operating room, got my drips done and spinal block (all painless) and they had lovely music playing and the doctors and anesthetists were chatting amongst themselves, just a generally calm relaxed atmosphere. DH was by my side massaging my forehead and I felt great, almost like being in a spa!

After 15 minutes of pulling and tugging they showed me my darling whopper of a daughter! 8lbs 6oz and 21 inches!! She was so big they needed forceps to get her out even through the incision! Thank God she only had a small bruise on her lip from it which is pretty much gone now. As soon as I saw her I bawled like a baby, uncontrollably. It really was a life changing moment! So they whisked her off to get cleaned and DH stayed with her while they sewed me back up. The entire process was about 45 minutes and couldn't have gone any smoother. Within an hour of being wheeled to recovery my little angel was sucking my boob as if her life depended on it lol. Success!! She nursed for like an hour! Nurses said cuz she's a big girl she'll be pretty demanding. I don't mind though, I love watching her nurse
We were given the all clear to come home this morning and now Rosie and I are playing on minimins lol. I feel wonderful, no pain or discomfort though I'm staying on top of my pain killers. Words can't describe my happiness and gratitude at such a smooth pregnancy and delivery and a beautiful strong robust baby! Here are some pics!
With daddy
Thank you SO MUCH everyone for your well wishes and support, and thank you for allowing me to share this with you.