Pregnancy and Slimming World

LOL! dont worry.. i once had my neice scream.. 'nooooo i want my mummy!' whilst dragging her out of a toy shop because she was stropping. I certainly looked like i was abuducting her!
Congrats on your beautiful daughter Honey!

Fern - sorry you're still going through a sick stage - it's rubbish! Mine came back again but it seems to have settled slightly. So glad it's my last 3 days in work this week - don't think I can cope with the 45 minute drive to get there any more!

Hopefully I'll have a bump pic finally attached. I think this was 2 weeks ago. Shocked to see in my ticker I'm 35 weeks tomorrow - I thought I was only coming 34! Ha ha ha!


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Oh Honey! She is beautiful although I'm sure that one word doesn't sum her up at all!

Gorgeous and I'm glad everything went so smoothly. Daddy looks bessoted!

Re me: Got a maternity long satin dress form Ebay which I'll try on and if thats not anygood will try a maxi dress style so out shopping this week.

Fern that's very kind of you to say! In that pic I am about a size 12-14 in that I think thats the smallest I've been in any my pic albums.

I was wearing a 16 pre preg, went up to an 18 to allow for the bloating as maternity stuff was just far too big.

Talking of the "how big you're getting" comments, husband has now said that my bumo is HUGE and he's "so glad its not him" and the dimensions are "unfathomable". Yes he's a charmer. :D

Although he does tell my belly he "loves you" as baby can hear now. I think.
Morning everyone,

Sorry not been on for a while...

Congratulation Honey your little baby is beautiful, i'm getting excited now!!!!

I've been back and forth to hospital in last few days. Baby is still breech and i'm booked in for an ECV tomorrow, not looking forward to it but want to try and avoid needing a C Section with already having a hyper 3 year old.

I'll keep you all posted but hopefully i won't have a very unconfortable head between my ribs after tomorrow :D
bunnylovesian.. im waiting for mine to arrive! LOL how mad.

donzy good luck sweetheart!

Lexie, i think you look beautiful, you kick that hubby of yours in the rib and tell him its from baby. x
Eurgh, getting SO pissed off now. another 1+5 on for me, i actually REALLY tried this week. Im now 10.11 lbs and REALLY close to 11 st, a weight i havnt been in almost 2 years. I was so upset at sw i had to leave, been in tears since. Its really ruinining the enjoyment of the pregnancy for me.
FernXx said:
Eurgh, getting SO pissed off now. another 1+5 on for me, i actually REALLY tried this week. Im now 10.11 lbs and REALLY close to 11 st, a weight i havnt been in almost 2 years. I was so upset at sw i had to leave, been in tears since. Its really ruinining the enjoyment of the pregnancy for me.

Awwww Fern please don't be disheartened. Weight gain is a part of pregnancy and it will come off as soon as you have your little one trust me. In total I gained just under 2st (I think I gained like 10lbs in the last 3 weeks) and by the time I left hospital I weighed 21lbs less. Weighed myself this morning and I've lost another 3lbs and I haven't even had time to even think about my diet not to mention organising myself. Just concentrate on eating fresh, nourishing food and trust that your body knows what it's doing. Also breastfeeding is the best "diet" ever! :D
Please don't fret or feel discouraged, now's the time to gain just keep it manageable and look forward to hitting it hard when you've had your little angel.
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Eurgh, getting SO pissed off now. another 1+5 on for me, i actually REALLY tried this week. Im now 10.11 lbs and REALLY close to 11 st, a weight i havnt been in almost 2 years. I was so upset at sw i had to leave, been in tears since. Its really ruinining the enjoyment of the pregnancy for me.
It's not baby weight it's all the love you get from here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fern - weight gain is normal and desireable during pregnancy. Its not all you and its not all baby, theres loads of other stuff along side it like blood, fluid etc .

Don't despair and if the scales are upsetting you that much, dont go on them for a while, the stress is much worse for you and the baby than some pregnancy weight.

Look after yourself emotionally too :)
FernXx said:
Eurgh, getting SO pissed off now. another 1+5 on for me, i actually REALLY tried this week. Im now 10.11 lbs and REALLY close to 11 st, a weight i havnt been in almost 2 years. I was so upset at sw i had to leave, been in tears since. Its really ruinining the enjoyment of the pregnancy for me.

Hi Hun I know how you feel! I really don't want to see the next stone up.

In my first trimester i gained 6lbs but since being in my second trimester I've only gained a further 2.5lbs. When I spoke to the MW she said that initially it would have been water but its likely to be baby weight.

I'm now 25 weeks and have gained 8.5lbs and although I'm dreading seeing the 13st mark I know its gonna happen once I hit my third trimester and its normal.

You might find that your weight settles down in a few weeks and you get some STS.

Try and relax, carry on with all your healthy eating. You're already being a brilliant mummy by making sure your baby is healthy.

Weight gain is inevitable and sadly seeing the next stone mark is part of that, however you can help keep it to a sensible amount and be proud you've done you're best x
OMG honey, I'd lost track of just how close you are! You must be very excited and desperate to get little baba out and finally meet him/her! Can't remember if u know what you're 'avin! Fingers and toes crossed for you that everything goes smoothly! Look forward to seeing piccies and hearing all about it! I'm sure those tiny weeny stretch marks will be hardly noticeable when the balloon deflates!XxX
Oh dear I'm so thick, I'm on my phone and read earlier posts, missing the latest ones! Do you've had a gorge baby girl Honey! Congratulations!xxxxxxxxx
I am past the 30 week mark now, so less than 9 weeks until my planned c section. EEEK!!!!

I had my OB appointment yesterday and all was well. My OB was mighty impressed with my Iron levels too, which were really good, especially for a woman apparently.

I really need to get my skates on now and get the last few bits I need.

I have also started to gain some weight now, which is to be expected at this stage as the baby is gaining most of her weight now. Have gained a total of 10lbs from the beginning of pregnancy. So don't think I am doing too bad. Even if I gain a 1lb a week from here on, that is still only about 19lbs in total and my son at birth was 10lb 2oz's lol and this little one is estimated to be around about the same.

Hope everyone else is doing okay.

Honeyoc, how is it going with the little one now? How is your scar? I expect you are mighty busy as a new mum.
Have eaten chips for 3 days in a row now. Which is ridiculous.

Today am all about the beetroot soup and good healthy eating before my grad ball tonight during which its a 3 course meal.
eurrrrrgggh. . . i just feel like im constantly complaining at the minute.
yesterday morning i woke up at 5am, after an awful disturbed night sleep, i had the most awful cramps and aches and pains, and by half 5, i decided id have toget in the bath.. got in the bath for the hour and they seemed to be wearing off, went laid on the spare bed for another hour, and then had to bounce on birthing ball in hope they would completly go. They wernt really, i decided i was fed up and so i put on my make up, did my hair and got dressed. Only to puke up 20 minutes later, great.. £30 dior mascara all down my face... again.
Pulled myself together, did mymake up AGAIN. and went to the mall, powered through, had a jacket spud.. got home.. and climbed into bed.. spent the next 6 hours throwing up all i had..
iv woken up this morning, im unbelievably tired and my stomach is so painful..
i just dont know what to do anymore.