Pregnancy and Slimming World

Don't feel fat - embrace your new curves! That's what I've been doing - especially as my 'bump' seemed to appear from nowhere over the weekend!

Scan yesterday went beautifully - baby is doing really well and they dated me 2 days behind what I thought so that's great.
So I've had great fun today telling everyone!! Had a beaming smile on my face all day and everyone is so pleased. I vow now to enjoy every second of this pregancy instead of complaining about how I'm feeling all the time...

One scary thought though - my 20 week scan is booked in for May - on Friday 13th :eek:
I wish I could, but just feel crap because I am putting on weight, I think it is just tiredness as well with all my deadlines that I need to complete this work!
I have not got my 20wk scan yet - 28th March I have got my 12wk scan :)
My 20 wk scan is april 4th! doesnt seem that far off now,

im really enjoying pregnancy now, although weight gain wise i handed my sw book back to Sue, my consultant. Im weighing with my eye closed and she has promised not to tell me untill after iv had baby. Its ruining my enjoyment and id rather just not know. I cant say im making any effort to be good, although im gearing myself up to make a real go of it the next few weeks.. but i still dont want to know. Its more just to feel good.

OH said my ass has got bigger- thanks for that! .. i can feel iv put some on my arms, but im always had issues there.. but it is ALL on my tummy, no denying that. Of course i am pregnant, so can get away with it for now i feel.

I must look futher along than i am, i mean.. i know i showed really early and have only continued to get bigger.. but yday whilst in morrisons two seperate ladies offered me thier trollys in return for my basket because i was struggeling.. and then the lady on check out asked me how much further iv got to go! (at which point i cringed slightly when i said 'im not due till august!) but did concidering lieing! LOL

im having an awful time at work and OH MY GOD, my joints are worse than they'v ever been, im wiating for my physio app. to come through. I feel quite stressed but really trying to be calm. Iv decided to take mat leave at 35 weeks, and take 2 weeks hols before so that i leave at 33 weeks.. my job is active and am getting no sympathy for being poorly and heavy lifting etc.. but thats a whole other story.

looking forward to seeing baby at 20 week scan, i cant wait to see how much he's grown! but its not a count down to know the sex, as were deffinatly not finding out.

Wev chosen a girls name. - Penny Rose. However we really cant agree on a boys name, which concidering im convinced its a boy, were a bit screwed if we dont agree by the end! i love Thomas, (and Xavier, but Joe wont even concider, he hates it) .. Joe loves Theo.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Good luck with the scan and sounds like a sensiable way, I need to stop worrying about weight and just enjoy pregnancy.
But thank God for leggings, they are so comfy and I OMG I have a bump, at least people won't just think I am fat now, lol :)
I'll be honest I have no idea what I weigh, it's pointless the scales will go up. And I have all the time in the world afterwards to lose weight and enjoy my baby.

We found out the sex at 20 weeks scan but not telling anyone so it's a surpise for them. I didn't want to find out but husband did. So I gave in.
My OB weighs me at every single appointment I have, which means I have no way of avoiding knowing what I weigh.

I have to say though, that it has been quite a good thing, as it helps me stay on plan as much as I can. I still of course have the cravings that means I have the odd day here and there where I totally go to pot.
my midwife was like 'come over here' and i instantly said 'oh god your not going to weigh me are you!??' she was like no silly, i just want to feel your tummy!!

i did sneak on my friends home scales ( i have no idea why!) i was fully clothed in heels and had just eaten a massive meal.. it showed 11 6.. so i expect im around 11 3 maybe, which is over a stone in gain as im usually 10st.
im dissapointed and will gear myself up to make more of an effort the next few weeks but wont be wieghing again! x
Here is my 11 week scan photo from thursday! Such a happy moment and such a relief to start telling people too!
Had my booking in appointment too and all my blood tests... It's suddenly very real!


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Aww baby is really cute. How are we all feeling yummy mummys to be?

I've had a really crap weekend of eating and trying really hard to not give up SW. Sometimes its so hard to fight the urge to say 'fekk it I'm pregnant I'm gonna eat want I want' and not worry but I know this will lead to binge eating and massive weight gain. I guess its easier to fall off the wagon then it is to stay on.

Don't know why but feeling a little depressed today, guess its all my hormones whizzing around. I've just hit the third trimester so wonder it is the hormones?

Oh well just got to dust myself down and take each meal at a time
aww thats a bootiful scan pic!

.. dont feel too down sweetness, i know all those hormones can really get to you though! congrats on hitting 3rd tri! lucky girl lol

so, first day trying to eat healthily going well today (bar realising that the muller amore yogs iv been addicted too and eating up to 3 of a day have whipping cream in the ingrediants and deffinitley arnt fat free. oops.)

Me and bump even ventured out for a whole 2 miles walk after work. This whole no-sickness thing is really making me feel better and iv been ahving such long nights sleeps im dealing with the day better.

yay! x
Well I'm eating what I want and worrying about it afterwards. With that in mind, I'm making sure that I have my milk, fruit and veg each day. Once I've eaten those then I allow myself my wee drop ice cream, or full fat yoghurt. (And I have to say the Muller Amore are lovely been trying to stick to a few a week as a treat)

I have chippy chips about once a week, and no more than that and I have to say I'm okay with that.

If I want curry or chinese I'll try and knock a version up at home, but I also cut myself some slack. Something sweet I'll try and have a bowl of sweet porridge because at least then im eating something healthy(ish) with some milk.

As long as Im eating healthily 90% of the time I dont see a problem with having some leeway
Also heres my wee chunky monkey from 20 weeks (only last week )
