Pregnancy and Slimming World

Hiya I thought it was time I put up my bump lol I'm now 26 weeks

Sorry I'm not smiling lol


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im hoping to start back but not sure if its worth me going to meetings till after i have LO, im 27 weeks this week:confused:
bunnie said:
im hoping to start back but not sure if its worth me going to meetings till after i have LO, im 27 weeks this week:confused:

Hiya I'm 26 weeks and not gone to any class. I've decided I'll go once ny little one is born to get the info on breastfeeding and new literature then I'll do the plan at home again.

Good luck
Dear God, I'm HUGE compared to everyone elses 26+ weeks pics :( like massive, own gravitational field massive.

I'll get hubby to get a pic up this week (I didnt put up my last ones as I looked hideous) but will bet a bump one up this week.
I can't recommend slimming world enough when pregnant. I followed the plan five and half years ago when I had my youngest and although I put a little weight on towards the end of my pregnancy but once I had my baby I was lighter than before. Just a shame I didn't carry it on then, good luck ladies.
ladeebug said:
I can't recommend slimming world enough when pregnant. I followed the plan five and half years ago when I had my youngest and although I put a little weight on towards the end of my pregnancy but once I had my baby I was lighter than before. Just a shame I didn't carry it on then, good luck ladies.

I totally agree, I've only gained 6.5lb and if I now gain a pound till baby is born. I'll have only gained 1st 7lbs. Which is half the weight I gained the first time. Yippee lol
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iv already gained a stone, and im still going to classes each week- i just simply cant seem to follow it. my head is a mess

I'd try not to worry too much, you'll only see the benefits once the baby arrives. I put five stone on with my first baby thats why I'm at the weight I am now, think I looked like I put nearlly two stone on with my second following slimming world but it all disapeared when she was born. I'm sure you'll be fine :cross:
FernXx said:
iv already gained a stone, and im still going to classes each week- i just simply cant seem to follow it. my head is a mess

Hiya I only got my head back into slimmming world when I was at week 18. The first 17 weeks was all my weight gain. Then things started to settle down within myself and I felt ready to focus. Since then I've had STS.

I know you've had it tough and I'm sure you'll find once all your sickness has settled down you'll feel better and your weight will calm down

Chin up xxx
Lexie_dog said:
Dear God, I'm HUGE compared to everyone elses 26+ weeks pics :( like massive, own gravitational field massive.

I'll get hubby to get a pic up this week (I didnt put up my last ones as I looked hideous) but will bet a bump one up this week.

Hiya I'm sure your not huge. Plus huge isn't in the pregnancy vocabulary. We are blossoming x x
Loving the bump pics - am prob not going to put one up for me as I'm just feeling so fat.

Fern - once the the sickness has gone you will find it easier to get back onto plan. I've gained 7.5lb's so far (4lb's in one week) due to me not keeping my head - but I have also lost weight when I've had my head screwed on - so it can be done but don't worry about it too much at the moment - let the sickness settle down first.

I'm in for a big gain this week again as my head has been elsewhere all week - OH isn't eating due to stomach issues so I haven't been cooking as cooking for one and a bit isn't fun - esp when the little one isn't into eating at the moment either for some reason - just feels like I'm wasting my time!

Cheeky - you are such a great inspiration, I know I wouldn't be able to stick to SW without going to the meetings - I really don't have the discipline to do it (I struggle sometimes even with the meetings!)

I hope everyone has a fab pregnancy - I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry about the weight gain as it's more important to have a happy, healthy baby than you gaining a little bit of weight - which you will be able to lose again once baby has arrived! - think I need to take this advice as I've been getting really down due to the weight gain and just how fat I've been looking recently!
Back from 20 week scan and baby is wonderful. All organs looking grand, brain looks good, and everything in the right place, fingers and feet all seperate and lovely.

I know I sound gushing :eek: but it really was breathtaking, and I'm sure it has my nose.

We also found out the sex, and we're keeping it secret until baby is born.

Brilliant - I actually feel a bit high/giddy.

It's grown so much in the past 7 weeks since last scan :D
This was interesting

Customised fetal weight calculator according to Gardosi et al

It's a fetal weight calculator which predicts the birth weight of your baby - it gives it in grams which means you'd have to stick "C grams in pounds" into Google and see what you get.

I got 8lbs (ooyah)

Would be good to know how it compares to others who had already had one baby as to its accuracy?
This was interesting

Customised fetal weight calculator according to Gardosi et al

It's a fetal weight calculator which predicts the birth weight of your baby - it gives it in grams which means you'd have to stick "C grams in pounds" into Google and see what you get.

I got 8lbs (ooyah)

Would be good to know how it compares to others who had already had one baby as to its accuracy?

Well i've just tried it, for my 1st pregnancy it calculated 7lb 10oz but she was actually 7lb 5oz and 2 weeks late. and for this one is calculating 7lb 13oz, am booked in for C Section on Thursday (baby didn't turn) so will let you know. x
Not far off then!

8lb 2 isn't horrendous I suppose. Average now from what I hear :confused: