wow check your bump lexie!! wooohoo.
jojo, im so unbelievably chuffed for you, yay!!
baby has been so active the last few days, i feel him a few times in the morn, lunchtime and then around 9pm.
My mum was chuffed earlier as i lifted up my top and she saw him move over to his favourite spot (the left side of my belly button) he loves it there, but it gives me a proper odd shaped bump LOL
.. so ladies i have to tell you!:
we went for an open evening on Hypnobirthing last night.
Iv had my pack of cd's for it since week 12 and i really enjoy listening to them, so when we bumped into this couple (married, expecting first babe in june.. he is a midwife, she is a nurse and theyv been practising hypnobirthing for 4 years) at a baby show i was working at with my company a few weeks back and they were offering a free taster, i was well up for it.
I wasnt 100% sure joe would be in to it, and tbh i was SO tired yday that i was seriously starting to concider missing it, but we had to go and pick up somthing from out that way anyways. Im SO glad we went. They ran it from thier home and they were so relaxed. they had a little power point presentation and even did a hypnosis relaxation mini session for us all to take part in, where they played music and she read from a script. . by the time we left two hours later, Joe was convinced, i was convinced and now its just weighing up if we really ahve the money to do it. the course is 275, though they are offering it for 245 if we book in next few days. Because they are due in june they arnt running courses during may and june, and july is far to late to start so wed have to get started next month, but it gives us plenty of time to practise what they teach us.
i totally under estimated how much was involved and its so hard to explain to someone the nature of it all without having this open eve because actually its all very misleading 'hypnosis' because you completly in control and aware, its just a complete state of relaxation.
id totally recommend to anyone! x