Pregnancy and Slimming World

Congratulations Jojo - that's fab news!
Don't worry - I did about 5 tests 'just to make sure'!!
I've been craving lavender. Been sniffing essential oil like there's no tomorrow! Also been troughing my way through packs of parma violets. It's the same as my last pregnancy, it started off with enjoying the smell of 'clean' (like air freshners and going in to work early when the cleaners had just finished and everywhere smelt clean).

Last pregnancy I kept one of those lavender gel air freshners by me and sniffed that constantly. Now it's lavender oil on a tissue, in the burner and in my bath (it's really nice n the bath!).

The hospital haven't bothered to ring me yet with an appointment for Wednesday. Very annoying! I thought things were starting off this morning as I had a really bad stomach, but it's all settled down now. Not sure whether to be relieved or disappointed!

Due tomorrow but doubt he'll come on time! Fingers crossed he comes out of his own accord eventually though. My mum has me pencilled in her diary for the next few days as 'convenient' as she's off work! Ha ha!

Congrats Jojo on your positive test! It's weird for me to be at the end and read about someone at the beginning! Good luck!
My mum has me pencilled in her diary for the next few days as 'convenient' as she's off work! Ha ha!

Lol :D Do try and not put her out ;)

I think I did about a million tests, well not really prob 2 a week to watch the clearblue go up and telll me it was 1-2 weeks, 2-3 weeks and then 3 weeks plus. It was amazing.

Have to say much as I have the odd wee niggle about being pregnant, the sore bum pain and that, I love the amazing feeling of baby moving about and seeing them on the scan. It's awe inspiring. Amazing.

I'm in love with the wee face we saw in the scans. I know I'm biased, but its a very cute baby and I'm so excited for when I get to meet them. :eek:
Pregnany bump week 23, excuse a) the mess and b) the double chin but looking down at an angle its kind of inevitable.

Told you I would eventually get a bump pic up!



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Love the bump pic, its got a great shape to it!
Makes me wont to have another, my little girl will be 3 in july.
They grow up so fast, make sure you take loads of pics & enjoy them being little babies! x x x
Aww thanks for all the wonderful support, i'm touched.:eek: I've already got some many tips and ideas from here since we decided to conceive lol

Lexidog your bump is lovely :)

Awwww congrats jojo!!

Lexie ur bump is lovely :) why have u been puttin off showing it off!!!

Hope ur all ok today :)

I know in lurking again on ur thread... Hope u don't mind ladies :/ am really demotivated up until today where I been 100%... I think it's cuz of the realisation that I go docs Thursday to come off my pill and that as of may if I end up pregnant I will be entitle to enhanced maternity pay sooo means I can try real soon and I can't wait to be chatting with u all


Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 13lb Total loss: 8lb
congrats jojo on your positive :)

Good luck to all those who are trying to concive. :)

Josie - I was diagnosed with high fluids with my son, was sent to nearest big hospital due to my due date coming and him not being engaged - however another scan revealed normal fluid levels and I ended up with a natural birth anyway - water's went all by themselves 11 days late :)
However high fluid levels can be dangerous and therefore high risk due to the chance of the cord getting caught - but it only happens in a VERY small number of cases. I hope and pray that things go naturally for you and that you get the natural birth though. Take care hun.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

I'm not doing too badly at the mo - am 29 weeks at the moment so only got 11 weeks to go - if this one arrives on time! :)
Still fighting for my home birth so am annoyed that I still don't know where I'm going to be giving birth - but things will get sorted.

Hope things continue to go well with all the pregnancies on the board at the moment :)
Josie - I was diagnosed with high fluids with my son, was sent to nearest big hospital due to my due date coming and him not being engaged - however another scan revealed normal fluid levels and I ended up with a natural birth anyway - water's went all by themselves 11 days late :)
However high fluid levels can be dangerous and therefore high risk due to the chance of the cord getting caught - but it only happens in a VERY small number of cases. I hope and pray that things go naturally for you and that you get the natural birth though. Take care hun.

Thanks! That helps. The hospital rang with an appointment for tomorrow morning with a consultant to review me. Hoping it won't take long and that hewon't offer me a sweep yet or start talking about induction!

Due today but nothing at all happening which is of no surprise really. Just a waiting game now! I can' be bothered trying any of the old wives tales (much to hubbys woe!) so hoping baby will come when he's ready :)
Good luck hun hope baby doesn't keep you waiting for too long...
congratulations Jojo, fab news :)

Josie not long now hopefully. I have 4 weeks left, seems to be going so fast for me.

Lexie- fab bump pic :)

As for me, I am completely exhausted every day now. I went back to bed at 10am yesterday after sorting out my little guy for school and ended up sleeping till 12.40pm EEEEK. I obviously needed it, but woke with a horrible headache from sleeping too long.

I haven't really been on plan today, haven't felt like any meals or cooking for that matter, so have been grazing most the day. Oh well!!
In the home straight now though Britmum, so do you not start getting more tired post/pre "nesting"?

Josie - fingers crossed for your review tomorrow!

I've just caved to ice cream, but instead of buying the really high syn ben and Jerry's I bought the frozen yoghurt and some pineapple soleros which are only 2.5 -3 syns each.

I can't get enough milk at the moment. Am resenting using it in tea and coffee and just wanting to drink it from the carton. Trying really hard to remain "sensible" for the most part with my eating.
wow check your bump lexie!! wooohoo.

jojo, im so unbelievably chuffed for you, yay!!

baby has been so active the last few days, i feel him a few times in the morn, lunchtime and then around 9pm.
My mum was chuffed earlier as i lifted up my top and she saw him move over to his favourite spot (the left side of my belly button) he loves it there, but it gives me a proper odd shaped bump LOL

.. so ladies i have to tell you!:
we went for an open evening on Hypnobirthing last night.
Iv had my pack of cd's for it since week 12 and i really enjoy listening to them, so when we bumped into this couple (married, expecting first babe in june.. he is a midwife, she is a nurse and theyv been practising hypnobirthing for 4 years) at a baby show i was working at with my company a few weeks back and they were offering a free taster, i was well up for it.
I wasnt 100% sure joe would be in to it, and tbh i was SO tired yday that i was seriously starting to concider missing it, but we had to go and pick up somthing from out that way anyways. Im SO glad we went. They ran it from thier home and they were so relaxed. they had a little power point presentation and even did a hypnosis relaxation mini session for us all to take part in, where they played music and she read from a script. . by the time we left two hours later, Joe was convinced, i was convinced and now its just weighing up if we really ahve the money to do it. the course is 275, though they are offering it for 245 if we book in next few days. Because they are due in june they arnt running courses during may and june, and july is far to late to start so wed have to get started next month, but it gives us plenty of time to practise what they teach us.

i totally under estimated how much was involved and its so hard to explain to someone the nature of it all without having this open eve because actually its all very misleading 'hypnosis' because you completly in control and aware, its just a complete state of relaxation.

id totally recommend to anyone! x
Just to let you know I used Hypnobirthing cd's in my second pregnancy
It worked for me, my little girl was born in 1 hour 12 mins, without any pain relief. Midwives didn't realise she was ready to be born, so I gave birth unasissted too!
I will never forget it, was the most amazing experience!
Good luck mummy's! x x
I would do the hypnobirthing, but I really can't afford the money. I can't "do" hypnosis, but I know the hypnobirthing is diffrent and comes highly recommended from a friend. She taped the whole thing and all she did was a wee grunt towards the end, she looked so relaxed!
P.S Did you see the hypnobirthing MP3's you can buy online? much cheaper and perhaps a viable option. I'm still swithering
I just brought the cd off ebay & put it on my mp3 x x