Proud Mama :)
Ot oh going to Pizza Hut to celebrate the completion of my dissertation tonight, don't think I be that good but it will yummy and worth the reward of such manmouth task 
Wooo excited I got my vitamins from asda to take when ttcaparently helps body to function right n has folic acid n helps fertility n that
so excited I have butterflies!!![
It could be a total coincidence, but when I came off my pill in August, my period didn't come back straight away. I read (off the minimins TTC forum I think) that sometimes the vitamins can help re-jig your system back on track.
Anywhoo I started taking the pregnacare conception tablets and lo and behold the following week I had my first period since stopping my pill 6 weeks before.
It could have been a coincidence, but also it could have been the vitamins, but I just wanted to share as I think they do help to get your body on track and help your fertility.
Bunnylovesalan - Congrats on finishing your dissertation - that's amazing! A well deserved pizza hut me thinks. Just hope you enjoy it as I know you've been off your food x
Ok so i went toilet today and when i wiped there was a pinkish tint...happened again when i went and the third time i went toilet nothing....Im not due till 10th April for my period..i wonder cause of the problems i had before i might be getting an early period???
Thanks lexi I have decided lots of green days hot water bottles & keeping busy & will go to the docs on monday. What would you say about symbicort inhalers for asthma?
grumbletumble said:I've been reading up on implantation symptoms & this is one of them! Do you know when you ovulated? Apparently you can get implantation spotting/cramps 6-12days past ovulation (d.p.o)
Im not to sure as its my first period since i missed a couple (had tests but don't know why) but i think i may have ovululated on Saturday. I have just been toilet again and the paper had another hint of pink on it!
grumbletumble said:Hmmm so you are probably 5dpo - could be implantation still!
I'm just having a look at this Two Week Wait - BabyandBump Pregnancy, Baby & Parenting Forum at the moment- Although it's helping me understand some symptoms it's also putting tonnes of questions in my head
You might find some answers or at least ideas what it could be on that website?