Well it was a no for me.
Clearly I'm not ready though, I dont know nearly enough acronyms, (dlp?, bfp?dpo?) . And those last few posts were far too confusing!!!
Will have a few beers on my nights out over the weekend and enjoy the fact that I can still go on my holiday to Barbados that's booked for October
I'm sorry

Enjoy your nights out & holiday! Make the most of it
The cheapies (2 for £4) from chemist I bought I was convinced they were wrong and I was seeing things. So went and popped in car and drove to nearest big shopping centre. I was so worried about not being able to pee, that (I'm mortified about this now) I took a jar with some pee in it.
Bought a double pack of Clearblue and my Pregnacare just in case.
I didn't test any time DPO, as due to PCOS my cycle can run from 23 - 80 days so I'd have been testing for aaaaaaages lol. I only tested because I took a sick feeling towards my morning coffee. Thought I was being overly paranoid!
Also, if you're not already get a start on your folic acid, all you ttc ladies and early pregnancies!
LMP - Last Menstrual Period
DPO - Days Past Ovulation
BFP - Big Fat Positive

about pee in a pot! haha i would have probably been the same! You have to save about 4 hours worth of pee anyway!
I tested with the cheapie again this morning & you can see a line but it's still feint- i'm assuming that just because it's still early? I hope so! My clearblue test i took yesterday just died so don't have anything to take to the docs this morning! Humph!
Wow! I can't believe you cycle could be so long! 80 days!!! Must have driven you mad! It's so good you managed to get pg with pcos

I know it's ment to be really hard when you have that.
Coffee too is making my stomach turn atm- i suppose it's a clever thing, your body is telling you not to have caffeine!
Thanks for the tip about folic acid, i'll get some today...i didn't realise i was ment to be taking whilst trying!
hey grumble tumble............congrats i'm so happy for you and i now have a friend whos due similar time to me woohoo........BTW you are defo pregnant!!! I did the cheapo tests from homebargains (89p for 3 sticks) and they all showed nice pink positive then splashed out on a plastic stick at £1.29 lol and same again! As for the docs, it was the same as everyone else they take your word for it! Think its madness but there you go.I'm due on 4th Dec though the calculators on all the baby sites say the 2nd? Oh well will find out for sure at my scan.
I've told my C and she is happy for me to continue and then when you go to see the midwife you have to declare it and as long as things are going ok i think they and the C have to sign some form every wk so they can monitor your weight? Unfortunately you get no extra A's n B's lol! Though i think i will have another extra A for calcium!
Oh eck! The nausea has set in lol...........weird feeling!!!! I can still eat though pmsl in fact tea never touched the sides! On nights now for 3, will see how i get on with those as been really tired, my manager said i can come off them if it gets too much bless him!He's very supportive!
Thank you!!! And yay! A bumpbuddie

I hope all is ok and my tests are right! I can't believe docs don't test...i wonder why!? Where you trying for a baby or was is a nice accident? We are only 3ish weeks apart

Hopefully we can share experiences & help each other out (although i know absolutley nothing! haha)
Glad your C was happy for you to carry on, i will talk to mine sometime as she is lovely and will advise me in the best way to go about things....I was wondering if you get any extra A's or B's I really hope i manage to keep my weight down during this pregnancy...i still have a lot to lose!

I like your calcium excuse *cough* i mean idea hehe I loooove cheese
My nausea set in yesterday! It's horrible...just waves of queezyness! Yuk! I only work early mornings for a couple of hours and thought i was going to have a panic attack at work today! I have always paniced about being sick in public! I hope this never happens!
That's so nice of your boss

When did you tell him? I hope you manage to do you night shifts- i know what you mean about being tired...i feel cream crackered!
Not sure when i will tell work but if i carry on feeling yukky i might have to!
Sooo happy for you!!! i test in a couple of days! i hope it happens quick for me too!!! will keep you informed!!
Fingers crossed squiggy!! I hope you get happy news

Deffo keep us informed x