Proud Mama :)
I personally don't think you can predict the gender, only nature can decide that one for you 
Shettles advises that to increase the odds of having a boy, do not have intercourse during your "transitional" fertile days four to five days before you ovulate. Rather, time lovemaking directly prior to and during ovulation. The Shettles Method also suggests deep penetration in order to get the sperm closer to the cervical canal, closer to the egg, and more likely closer to the abundant cervical mucus that should be present during your most fertile days. As for sexual position, Shettles recommends rear entry or "doggy style" for deepest penetration. According to Shettles, women should try to have an orgasm at the same time as the man; purportedly, orgasms increase endocervical secretion and increase the alkaline level of the vagina. Men should avoid wearing tight cloths and hot showers, etc, prior to intercourse as heat will more likely weed out the Y-sperm than the X-sperm.
These factors should 1) decrease the travel distance of sperm 2) provide a more alkaline pH environment in the vagina (due to presence of cervical mucus) 3) get male sperm to the egg quicker 4) promote environments conducive to male sperm survival.
Shettles: To Have a Girl
According to the Shettles Method, to have a girl, we simply reverse the terms. Instead of timing intercourse directly prior/during ovulation, make love during the transitional days and two to three days before you ovulate. Try to avoid sex when your cervical mucus is most fertile (when you have egg-white cervical fluids). Shettles suggests that women avoid having an orgasm and recommends shallow penetration to make it more difficult for the male sperm to make the big journey. Hence, missionary position is advised, or any shallow-penetration strategy that deposits sperm further from the entrance to the cervix.