Big Bird
Can anyone shed some light on this query! I'm going into my 33rd week, and parents have bought us a pram which we have in our conservatory it isn't set up yet but I've been told its bad luck to have it in your house before the birth!!!! Has anyone heard this??!??
Never heard it! I'm not superstitious though (although pregnancy is bringing it out in me it seems and it's annoying me!) so I tend to ignore stuff like that when people say it. I would go with do what's best for you, if it bothers you could keep it at someone else's house? I could imagine that being impractical though and I bet you'll want to have a play with it set up before littley comes so you know how everything works ready for her arrival.
I wouldn't think think there's anything in it though, it'll be like all the other old wives tales we get told I would imagine