Hey JosieDelonge, Im sorry to read that you are feeling low at the moment Hun.
Im suffering with heartburn already and only 4-5 weeks!! I suffered with my Daughter all the way through my pregnancy, so heaven help me!!! Lol.
I think you have to prepare yourself for the fact that as things prgress you are going to loose weight, but its all baby and will go as soon as your little one is born. As long as you are eating healthily and making sure that you are resting when you can, things will be fine.
So far I have managed to avoid eating the rubbish that I did when I was pregnant with my Daughter and I know how hard it is at the end of the day to have to think about preparing another meal when its easier to grab the phone and order a take-away. I would suggest eating more stodgy foods to take that feeling away, things like pasta and potato dishes.
I hope everyone is doing well?!
My first appointment with the MW is on my wedding anniversary!