I think I'm doing ok, I had a long weekend with my uni friends and all we did was eat at the pub or eat biscuits at a friends house!
I only put on half a pound after all that which is good, although I also know it's because I couldn't partake in all the alcohol consumption that took place! Although I missed it at the time, I'm glad I could only have diet coke!
I'm not sure how much I've gained in total. It's less than 7lbs in 18 weeks of pregnancy though which I think is pretty good. I know I haven't stuck to plan but at the same time I haven't gone all out the other way as I did with my last pregnancy.
I am starting to eat more but am managing to stick fruit in first. My current weakness is chocolate but usually I just suck a square or 3 and I'm done, so much better than scarfing down a full bar each day.
Despite going back to some old bad habits (like hot chocolate made with sugar and evap milk! And adding a splash of oil in the pan instead of a spray) I think I'm doing ok. Most of my main meals are SW friendly, and I'm sticking to weetabix for breakfast. It's just the snacky things but I'm not going to worry about it.
My indigestion isn't as bad, I think it was because the bump moved up. I felt really bad with it for a week or so and then when I got up at the weekend, I had a bump! Sticking to a swig of gaviscon when needed now.
Hope you're all doing well? I'm really sorry for those of you who have lost