Silver Member
Was at my midwife appointment yesterday (avoided the 15/16 week one so was there at 22 week) and she said next time I go she will measure the bump to check progress - she was having a feel and listen to baby when I made some joke about the bump not being all baby (my bMI was just over 30 when I first went)
She said if it wasn't possible to check using bump I would be sent for a scan to check - is this normal? Has anyone else been offered this?
Yea it is normal usually because they cant feel the position of the baby and determine the size. They also send you if you measure over 3cm or under 3cm for the weeks you are. In my last pregnancy i was measuring large and was sent for a scan which showed baby was actually smaller than average x
That's good to know thanks![]()
She had a feel of my tummy this time and said it felt just right so fingers crossed I won't have to be sent as would mean a trip to the hospital (although on a plus I guess means I get to see baby boy again!' Lol) x
I totally understand yer concerns! I had my 1st bump measurement at my last midwife appointment when I was almost 26wks so I shuda been measuring approx. 26cms but was only measuring 21cms. Like Safia said they allow a margin of 3cms either side but the midwife just asked if I was a small baby (I was 6lb 3oz) n if my Mam "carried small" in her pregnancies (which she did). As a result she didn't seem 2 bothered n said she'd wait n c how I was measuring at my next app, which will b this comin Tues. I was quite worried but chattin bout it on here helped a lot! I spoke 2 my Mam bout it 2 n she said that really the number of the measurement isn't THAT important as such as long as there's a proportional increase as yer pregnancy progresses - if u kno wat I mean!? n that reassured me loads as well. I kno that my bump's def increased in size since then even if it is still very neat n small but I'v been lucky enuf not 2 ave gained much weight so far, only 1st 2lb, so that prob has a lot 2 do wif it 2. Anyway these things r just a guide, everybody n every body is different so please try not 2 worry 2 much x