Sorry ladies. It's been so crazy with work I haven't had a chance to get on to post or see how everyone is.
Had my u/s this morning. Sac is measuring 17mm (6.5w) but is completely empty. No fetal bud even or yolk sac. They have referred me to early pregnancy unit in hospital for another scan in a few days to confirm her diagnosis of non-viable pregnancy.
I'm in a bit of a daze.
Hope everyone else is well. Hugs to all
Had my u/s this morning. Sac is measuring 17mm (6.5w) but is completely empty. No fetal bud even or yolk sac. They have referred me to early pregnancy unit in hospital for another scan in a few days to confirm her diagnosis of non-viable pregnancy.
I'm in a bit of a daze.
Hope everyone else is well. Hugs to all