Missy I'd have thought swimming was the best/safest thing for you with sore hips as the water takes all the pressure and weight off for you.. So not sure what every you could do.. Hope you find something... I think I've been having Braxton hicks the last week.. Thought I'd have been too early but getting quite strong pains that are exactly as i'd imagine contractions are so no idea what else they could be.. Was meant to ring the hospital today but got caught up on something else.. Rather than explain again.. If you pop onto my thread you'll see.. Sorry for the cryptic-ness of it all but its quite allot..
Missy your baby is beautiful! But I agree they should have got a clearer picture for you! I paid £59 and had three pics plus a 2d pic. They also wrote the gender down for us in a sealed envelope. Yay no gd!!!!!! You should celebrate with cake lol!
I know, he's a cutey pie <3 Just wish you could see more clearly, the features are so clear on your pictures! Gonna show them to husband so he can see what scan pics are supposed to look like! Mine you it didn't help though when one of my 'friends' on fb said that my boy looked like an alien, I know she was just being silly but it really upset me. :/
That's really cheap, wow! It's about £90 minimum round here for 3d/4d which is why we got the voucher for £30. There's another one on offer at the moment for £27 for a different place but they're a lot further away and tbh I'm just worried that it'll be the same again.
How are you gonna cope with the envelope! I would totally have caved in and peeked already.
I have been celebrating with cake all day lolMade a vicky sponge with lemon curd instead of jam and buttercream and some white choc and pecan brownies (blondies). Work were happy and I got to nab a bit for me too
Your baby doesn't look like an alien but some people think all 3d scans look like aliens. They don't! I don't know about you but I've never seen a real alien but I'm guessing if I did they wouldn't look like a human baby. It's a ridiculous thing to say. My own brother said my daughter looked like gollum at one point! People are insensitive and they have verbal diahhreah! Take no notice! I went to babybond for the scan, there should be one by you. I'm trying to ignore the envelope lol!
I'm jealous!It's true a plug can grow back but you never know. Bounce on a gym ball if you have one or do squats apparently. Baby pics are gorgeous! I had a gender scan at baby bond but they couldn't get a 3d pic as placenta was at the front. Regarding swimming...I have spd and am not allowed to go swimming as it causes me more damage and pain :-( Lying here with my epo in, hoping to see labour in the next few weeks. Mama-bear x
Wow babies nearly every month. Fingers crossed for you Cai. I'm hoping I won't be long behindMama-bear x
Cai - 3rd October
Mama bear - 16th October
Missy1978 - 14th December
ILoveCake- 15th January
Pjallen1982- 20th January
Nellylou - 14th February
Dubchick - 18th February
Danni - 25th February
Dougal1983- 18th May
It wasn't last night :-( but I can safely say it will be this month!! ;-) lol. I'm def having an October baby xx
Quick update. Rang hospital cos haven't really felt movements since yesterday morning so I'm going in for 2pm to be monitored. I'm sure everything is fine and I will be back home alone after an hour or so but didn't wanna go and not tell u all lol x