All is fine. Little bugger started moving after is been on the machine 15 mins! There was a question over his heartbeat but they said it was fineI'm glad but secretly wish they'd told me I needed to go have him now lol - women are never happy eh?! X
All is fine. Little bugger started moving after is been on the machine 15 mins!
There was a question over his heartbeat but they said it was fine
I'm glad but secretly wish they'd told me I needed to go have him now lol - women are never happy eh?! X
All is fine. Little bugger started moving after is been on the machine 15 mins! There was a question over his heartbeat but they said it was fineI'm glad but secretly wish they'd told me I needed to go have him now lol - women are never happy eh?! X
So glad all is ok. He'll soon be here and you'll miss your bump. X
Miss the bump?? I will prob be losing this bump weight for months!! Lol.
When I was in MAC there was lady there with a fairly new born baby and she still looked 7 months preg...that will so be me :-( x
I love my bump but it is a bit funny looking sometimes lol! The joys of having too much fat and a bit of loose skin before I even started. My belly button is trying to decide whether to pop out or not which is amusing me no end at the moment and weirding out husband
I've been so knackered today, there is just not enough sleep to be had. Not tired on the same level as early pg tiredness but definitely more tired than I have been. My feet are still massive and I swear my hands are getting bigger too. I'm a legal PA so most of my day is spent touch typing and I've really struggled today, I feel like I'm trying to type wearing thick gloves and my wrists are mega sore. Is this a pregnancy thing? In all my years doing this job it's not been a problem before...
Physio and scan tomorrow! Scan should be fine though, baby has been nice and active today so hopefully it'll just be a formality and they won't find anything untoward.
Hope everyone is ok and has a better nights sleep than I will getx
Morning NellyLou..
Jealous your scan is so close.. Mine's just under 2 weeks away..Though I know the time will fly I just want it now..
Ello!! Well had re-scan today and baby is fine. The water measurements in the brain ventricles were 6.7 and 7.8 (I think, something like that). They were 9.3 and 9.6 last time so they are not worried at all, and no more scans needed (for that anyway). The sonographer explained that it's a bit like if someone scanned your bladder. If it was first thing in the morning it would be stretched and quite big, if it was done later in the day then it would be a lot less. It's similar for the brain ventricles. Baby was looked fab. Bizarrely baby was over average on leg length, tummy circumference, head circumference etc 3 weeks ago and now, still got a big head but below average on tummy and leg length. I find that quite weird but think it just shows that the scan measurement need to be taken with a piece of salt. They are not precise. Babe has put on 8 ounces in 3 weeks though so definitely getting heavier. Babe had one arm up as if waving to us. Legs were crossed so good job we didn't want to find out the sex today. I weighed myself today too. Am 24 weeks and put on 1.5 stone. Eeek!
Well had re-scan today and baby is fine. The water measurements in the brain ventricles were 6.7 and 7.8 (I think, something like that). They were 9.3 and 9.6 last time so they are not worried at all, and no more scans needed (for that anyway). The sonographer explained that it's a bit like if someone scanned your bladder. If it was first thing in the morning it would be stretched and quite big, if it was done later in the day then it would be a lot less. It's similar for the brain ventricles.
Baby was looked fab. Bizarrely baby was over average on leg length, tummy circumference, head circumference etc 3 weeks ago and now, still got a big head but below average on tummy and leg length. I find that quite weird but think it just shows that the scan measurement need to be taken with a piece of salt. They are not precise. Babe has put on 8 ounces in 3 weeks though so definitely getting heavier.
Babe had one arm up as if waving to us. Legs were crossed so good job we didn't want to find out the sex today.
I weighed myself today too. Am 24 weeks and put on 1.5 stone. Eeek!
Scans always feel like they take forever to come but they're here before you know it! And once you get past 20 weeks the time just flies, honest. Excited to hear about yours on Friday Nelly! x
Physio went well, woke up this morning unable to put weight on one leg so was a good job I was going! I now have crutches for walking to and from work (they don't really want me doing much walking but I can't get away from that with not having a car) and instructions to buy an exercise ball and do lots of pelvic floor exercises.
Scan went well too, baby is fine and fluid level and placenta are healthy. He's growing right on schedule although he now has monster long legs! He was very camera shy for the scan but is kicking away now
Back to work now just in time for lunch! Hope everyone is well. xxx
Hey all, hope everyone's doing well today (and you got some sleep Missy!?) I slept really well last night apart from a horrible vivid dream where I was being chased around a shop by a man wanting to kill me! Woke up bursting for a wee at 7.30 tho...
Scan on Friday and I'm getting nervous, obvisally desperate to hear that everything's ok with baby and really hope they can tell us the sex too, I just really feel like its a girl and will be very surprised if they say boy
Have managed 2 on plan slimming world days now Here's to day 3!
Great scan news! The exercise balls are great in pregnancy but getting off them is fun lol! I agree it's very quiet? Off having babies are we ladies lol!
Not long until your scan! Well done for 3 days on plan! Why can't I manage that? My meals are sw pretty much it's just my snacking!