8.5st lighter!
OK.. So I need opinions.. Please be honest.. No offence will be taken either way...
My best friend.. Elaine.. Has a friend, who I've not met but know from Elaine that she is a lovely lovely girl.. Had a baby who is now 5 months.. She is having a clear out of stuff baby has outgrown (not clothes) and was going to throw them out.. But she wanted to offer them to me before she done so.. Not sure what's in it exactly but there is a moses basket.. She has stressed she'd be in no way insulted if I said no, but she wanted to offer rather than just throw them in the bin... I have said yea great.. Thanks.. But now am thinking "Ooh... is that awful.. Maybe I should have said no" Now I know 110% she'll boil/disinfect everything before giving it, and i'll re-do it for peace of mind if I take them.. But is it awful being our first baby, taking second hand???
Either way.. I will buy a new and have her one for the bedroom rather than carrying the new one up n down and i'll get a new matress etc...
4head is genius stuff isn't it!
Take it!!! Babies grow so fast. And all the money you've spent will feel like its floated out of the window! See if the Moses basket mattress is washable. If so wash it. If not maybe think about replacing the mattress? But if its from a trusted source where you know baby hasn't been ill it should be fine.
I bought my Moses basket on tesco direct using my club card points and tesco boost. It was freeeeeee lol!!!!!