I'm being induced tomorrow

they have promised me a baby by the end of the weekend!! Shame it takes so long!
And also thought I would share...
Thought my waters had broken - I haven't been wearing pads as they irritate me too much so just been switching knickers etc... Anyway this meant they did an internal much like a smear test - was pain free! ;-)
Strangely they couldn't tell if they had gone as had a high watery discharge but didn't lionlike waters
Turns out they haven't broken.
Also had a stretch and sweep. She told me to breath through it and although I could feel pressure it didn't hurt! I talked to the midwife whilst she did it
I do now have some trace if old blood which isn't nice but they explained that was normal before I left so haven't freaked out over it.
The pressure pain has made me a bit tender tonight so I can only assume tomorrow will be painful lol.
Also, don't want to brag, but the midwife we saw today was lovely! Very reassuring and explained every little bit. Hubby didn't want to be there for the internals but she was happy to fetch him and then for him to leave as required!!
I also found out hubby isn't planning on cutting the cord! I think I might do it if possible!! Can only ask!
Hope everyone has a good weekend as I might not b able to get on here much over the weekend - lack of signal in the hospital!! Xx