Pregnancy and Slimming World

Another question! We have the health visitor coming round on Friday and I'm a bit nervous, mainly cos I'm not sure why she's coming! I thought you only saw them once the baby was a few weeks old? Has anyone else had to see the health visitor prior to baby arriving? Worried that they've singled me out because of my mental health and are checking up on me... :/
Another question! We have the health visitor coming round on Friday and I'm a bit nervous, mainly cos I'm not sure why she's coming! I thought you only saw them once the baby was a few weeks old? Has anyone else had to see the health visitor prior to baby arriving? Worried that they've singled me out because of my mental health and are checking up on me... :/

No hun they tend to come round to introduce themselves, i had a hv come round every pregnancy x
No hun they tend to come round to introduce themselves, i had a hv come round every pregnancy x

That makes me feel better, thank you! If it's just that then I feel a bit better :) Hope you are your little girl are doing ok! x
Everyone ok today? It's all quiet! x

Cai - 3rd October
Mama bear - 16th October
rjg123 - 26th Oct
Bunnylovesalan - 28th October
Kez - 10 December
Missy1978 - 14th December
ILoveCake- 15th January
Pjallen1982- 20th January
Nellylou - 14th February
Dubchick - 18th February
Danni - 25th February
Sophie1980 - 20th March
Dougal1983- 18th May
I'm here! :) had a busy one today and my friends been round who does not stop talking and has only just left, I'm exhausted.

Saw on your thread missy that you've got 4 weeks left at work till maternity leave, I'm jealous!!! ;)

Still haven't decided when I'm going to leave.. Would like it to be as soon as possible but just not sure when's best x
I'm here! :) had a busy one today and my friends been round who does not stop talking and has only just left, I'm exhausted. Saw on your thread missy that you've got 4 weeks left at work till maternity leave, I'm jealous!!! ;) Still haven't decided when I'm going to leave.. Would like it to be as soon as possible but just not sure when's best x

It's a tough decision! I hope I make it til the end tbh with my hips and everything. I want max time with baby afterwards so only taking three weeks before he's due plus two weeks hols. You've got weeks to decide yet anyway so don't rush it :) xxx
I'm being induced tomorrow :) they have promised me a baby by the end of the weekend!! Shame it takes so long!

And also thought I would share...

Thought my waters had broken - I haven't been wearing pads as they irritate me too much so just been switching knickers etc... Anyway this meant they did an internal much like a smear test - was pain free! ;-)
Strangely they couldn't tell if they had gone as had a high watery discharge but didn't lionlike waters

Turns out they haven't broken.

Also had a stretch and sweep. She told me to breath through it and although I could feel pressure it didn't hurt! I talked to the midwife whilst she did it :)
I do now have some trace if old blood which isn't nice but they explained that was normal before I left so haven't freaked out over it.

The pressure pain has made me a bit tender tonight so I can only assume tomorrow will be painful lol.

Also, don't want to brag, but the midwife we saw today was lovely! Very reassuring and explained every little bit. Hubby didn't want to be there for the internals but she was happy to fetch him and then for him to leave as required!!

I also found out hubby isn't planning on cutting the cord! I think I might do it if possible!! Can only ask!

Hope everyone has a good weekend as I might not b able to get on here much over the weekend - lack of signal in the hospital!! Xx
I'm planning to start my maternity leave on my due date (18th May) as I have 5 weeks holiday to take before then :)
That means leaving early April 2014 and not going back until late Feb 2015 :)
I just can't help wanting to finish as soon as I can - I'm thinking 10th Jan when I'm 35 weeks.. I'm hoping it won't be to soon and I won't get bored.. But I figure once she's arrived I'm never going to have time to feel bored so why not make the most of it ;)

Having said that we may have to move before she's here so in that case it will be the perfect time to leave and get things sorted. X
My appetite is back- I've just eaten 2 bags of Wotsits and 2 bags of McCoy's steak crisps back to back!!!
I can't seem to get enough of crisps right now!
A lot of it is down to how you feel too with mat leave - a few weeks back I would have been ok to work a few weeks later. Now? I'm gonna struggle to get to 35 weeks I think!

Sounds like the anti-sickness meds have done you the world of good Dougal - now you get the joys of the massive pregnancy appetite. Mine is immense and has been since about 6 weeks lol ;) I was mad on crisps too!

Cai - the end is in sight! I've heard about sweeps being horrible so glad it wasn't like that for you. Baby boy will be here soon! :D x
They have! Although I'm still getting very nauseous but I'm eating my way through that!
One bag just wasn't enough last night... 4 bags wasn't enough either really but I went to bed instead of eating more!!

My job isn't stressful- I work in Waitrose on the checkouts so I'm gonna be working for as long as I can.
I found out I've got some bank holiday entitlement to take as well so I'll be leaving at around 34 weeks!!
A full 39 weeks maternity leave then a week's holiday on the other end and I'll have about 10-11 months off :)
Eating through the nausea is the way forward, it really is. I felt awful if I didn't eat. I remember falling asleep on the sofa one afternoon when husband was out, missing lunch and waking up feeling so sick and weak... and that was just from missing lunch! It's no fun if you get hungry and in my experience you need so much more food to actually not feel hungry, I can't believe how much I can eat now!

My job isn't physically taxing (I'm a legal PA), it's the getting to work that's tough as we don't drive. Getting there on crutches by foot/bus is tough work and I'm knackered before I even start! My job can be tough on the brain though and tbh I'm struggling with concentration, attention to detail etc cos I'm so tired. I've made some massive cock ups in the last few weeks, think I would be in trouble if I didn't have an excuse!

Forgot to say yesterday - gained 1lb at SW so pregnancy gain is now 2st 3.5lbs. I had some massive gains middle of second tri but I seem be gaining a steady 1lb per week now which I am really happy with :) Hopefully this means that my gain will he around 3 stone and not much more once the boy arrives! x
I'm planning to start my maternity leave on my due date (18th May) as I have 5 weeks holiday to take before then :)
That means leaving early April 2014 and not going back until late Feb 2015 :)
I'm gona take most of my leav at the end of my maternity leave so I've maximum time with baby. But we only get 6 months paid maternity n even at that its EUR260 n that's now taxed too !! My job don't pay anything which sucks so with a mortgage n loan to pay, it'll b tight. But that's only coz I'm insisting on still contributing my full share of everything house wise.
A lot of it is down to how you feel too with mat leave - a few weeks back I would have been ok to work a few weeks later. Now? I'm gonna struggle to get to 35 weeks I think!

Sounds like the anti-sickness meds have done you the world of good Dougal - now you get the joys of the massive pregnancy appetite. Mine is immense and has been since about 6 weeks lol ;) I was mad on crisps too!

Cai - the end is in sight! I've heard about sweeps being horrible so glad it wasn't like that for you. Baby boy will be here soon! :D x
I seem to b the opposite to u girls. I hav such a small appetite now. I eat a child's portion of dinner IF I hav dinner. But it does mean I don't stay full for as long so I have a brekkie, lunch, something at dinner n something small later on again.

Great wi missy.
I'm being induced tomorrow :) they have promised me a baby by the end of the weekend!! Shame it takes so long! And also thought I would share... Thought my waters had broken - I haven't been wearing pads as they irritate me too much so just been switching knickers etc... Anyway this meant they did an internal much like a smear test - was pain free! ;-) Strangely they couldn't tell if they had gone as had a high watery discharge but didn't lionlike waters Turns out they haven't broken. Also had a stretch and sweep. She told me to breath through it and although I could feel pressure it didn't hurt! I talked to the midwife whilst she did it :) I do now have some trace if old blood which isn't nice but they explained that was normal before I left so haven't freaked out over it. The pressure pain has made me a bit tender tonight so I can only assume tomorrow will be painful lol. Also, don't want to brag, but the midwife we saw today was lovely! Very reassuring and explained every little bit. Hubby didn't want to be there for the internals but she was happy to fetch him and then for him to leave as required!! I also found out hubby isn't planning on cutting the cord! I think I might do it if possible!! Can only ask! Hope everyone has a good weekend as I might not b able to get on here much over the weekend - lack of signal in the hospital!! Xx

Hi Cai,
The day before Finlay's due date I felt very damp and I too thought my waters had gone, went to triage and was told no they haven't. My waters then went that night and Finlay was born next day. Good luck xxx

I woke up really excited yesterday as I am now 17 weeks and able to phone and book my 20 week scan, phoned them early in the morning to be told 'sorry no appointments available yet, call back next week' ?

I am hoping to find out if I'm pink or blue. We kept it a surprise with Finlay but this time want to be prepared and buy a few more things. Everything for Finlay was neutral and only bought 2 outfits. I can't wait to shop for pink dresses or blue outfits xxx
Hi Cai,
The day before Finlay's due date I felt very damp and I too thought my waters had gone, went to triage and was told no they haven't. My waters then went that night and Finlay was born next day. Good luck xxx

I woke up really excited yesterday as I am now 17 weeks and able to phone and book my 20 week scan, phoned them early in the morning to be told 'sorry no appointments available yet, call back next week' ?

I am hoping to find out if I'm pink or blue. We kept it a surprise with Finlay but this time want to be prepared and buy a few more things. Everything for Finlay was neutral and only bought 2 outfits. I can't wait to shop for pink dresses or blue outfits xxx
Its amazing how different things are in the UK compared to here in Ireland.. I booked my 20 week scan when I was booked my 12 week... Tho my 12 week scan was done at 13 weeks and my 20 week scan is booked for Monday when I'll be 22 weeks...
STILL undecided on whether or not to find out... tick tock tick tock
Don't worry about a sweep, i found it similar to a cervix sweep! Please can people stop asking me when i am due, he will he come when he is ready now sod off, lol!

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Its intresting to hear what you are all planning on doing with maternity leave, most of the girls I work with have worked until as late as they possibly can but im the opposite and just want to get out of here ;) maternity pay is 6 weeks at 90% and then stat for 9 months - plan at the mo is to return to work mid September, hopefully 3 days a week. Im very lucky that my sister who is pregnant with her 4th baby will be able to look after mine.

In other news I have heartburn, its getting me down.. oh and im forcing myself in to a lunchtime swim even tho its wet and windy out there and its the last thing I want to do..

Cai - good luck to you :D