Big Bird
Not really no, it's still hanging around. Getting terrible indigestion and reflux- I suffer with IBS too so that doesn't help. Been quite constipated too Been out to Morrisons with Mum and Nan, saw some old friends (I used to work there) got myself a pork pie and a bag of Quavers for lunch Had a look at baby stuff, turns out my Nan has started knitting already!! She's so excited, she never thought she'd be a great grandma
Ah bless you, it's normal to still have it at 10 weeks but hopefully the worst is over now. I had the reflux as I said but the opposite problem to constipation lol I still do but I think that's the iron tablets now haha! Lunch sounds naughty and lovely! I had a white bread sandwich again, wholemeal just doesn't do it for me now! x