Thanks cake!
I'm in the induction room, have had the pessary in so gonna try to get some sleep before it becomes impossible.
Send happy thoughts my way girls and I'll let you know once he's arrivedxxx
I don't know too much about platelets but my second pg I had odd shaped platelets more oval than round. Consultant warned me off a home birth. He was right I did have trouble flirting and had pph. It's important to keep an eye on them but trust they know what they're doing. It was a scare for me but I was ok everyone acted quickly and sorted me out. If they can pre empt a problem you'll be on a better footing.
Good luck missy can't wait to see baby pics!
They are re testing them in 2 weeks just in time for next midwife appointment (34 weeks) first time they tested they were low and they've since dropped. I'm sure ill find out more at next appointment. Thank you for replying, never heard of them before! x
Sorry I meant trouble clotting...... I wasn't flirting with the consultant lol! You need platelets lol so they'll watch you carefully but try not to worry they can help boost your clotting post birth.
I bet you were lol! That'll be the gas hehexxx
Sorry I'm not around. Loads going on. Looks like we're having an early Xmas here because I'm being admitted on Monday. Long story short baby's transverse and if my waters go I'm a cord prolapse risk and they'd have 5 mins to get baby out. The plan is to try to turn baby then rupture my membranes but caesarean is looking highly likely. Sooner rather than later. Too much to process and I'm so worried about my waters going. They were happy to admit me today but at 35+5 it's quite unlikely my waters will go. Scared but trying to stay positive. I hope you're all well. X
Sorry I'm not around. Loads going on. Looks like we're having an early Xmas here because I'm being admitted on Monday.
Long story short baby's transverse and if my waters go I'm a cord prolapse risk and they'd have 5 mins to get baby out. The plan is to try to turn baby then rupture my membranes but caesarean is looking highly likely. Sooner rather than later. Too much to process and I'm so worried about my waters going. They were happy to admit me today but at 35+5 it's quite unlikely my waters will go. Scared but trying to stay positive.
I hope you're all well. X
Sorry I'm not around. Loads going on. Looks like we're having an early Xmas here because I'm being admitted on Monday.
Long story short baby's transverse and if my waters go I'm a cord prolapse risk and they'd have 5 mins to get baby out. The plan is to try to turn baby then rupture my membranes but caesarean is looking highly likely. Sooner rather than later. Too much to process and I'm so worried about my waters going. They were happy to admit me today but at 35+5 it's quite unlikely my waters will go. Scared but trying to stay positive.
I hope you're all well. X
Occurred to me that I didn't announce on this thread the birth of my gorgeous boy, Seth Rowan! He was born on 15th December at 10.30, weighing a reasonably hefty 7lbs 8oz. He's just beautiful and very chilled unless he wants feeding!
The birth was a bit traumatic, started on the Friday with an induction due to waters breaking on Thursday but no labour and ended with an emergency c section on Sunday due to malpresentation! He's worth it though, every last bit of it <3
Hope everyone's well and happy! xxx
Sounds like a great appointment!
Apart from SPD obviously, hope it doesn't get any worse for you x
I'm sure mine isn't head down yet, he has until 4th Jan!
Hi ladies...
31 weeks today...
Had my Hospital appointment today... All went perfectly.. Wee & HB are perfect.. They took bloods to checky my thyroid, my anti bodies (due to having rhesus neg blood type) and another tube for I dunno what.. Am assuming it'll be to check iron level etc.. They checked baby's HB which is perfect.. Fluid around her is fine.. Bladder was fullMaking little fists into the scanner lol.. And she's gone head down
Back to my GP in 2 weeks, then back to the hospital on 16th Jan.. So very positive happy appointment
Also had confirmed I'm suffering from SPD.. its very minor but they're sending off for a physio appointment for me and i'll most likely get a support belt and some exercises to do..
Sent off my Maternity Benefit forms yesterday and so confirmed my finishing date from work... Roll on Feb 07th when I'll be 38+1 finishing up n preparing to my little baby
Hope all is well with everyone?? Been a bit quiet on here