Pregnancy and Slimming World

I have been so tired this week, probably because I have started swiming regularly and got nasty headache which has been making me really sicky withit and my temp going through the roof :(
Curvygirl87 said:
Hi just wee question, i am currently TTC came of pill in January but this month is only month iv been using ovulation tests etc, so got it right this month so will await the outcome lol question is i have twinges in bottom of my tummy does anyone no what this could be? i ovulated from 8 may for few days but surely i would be pregnant already?im soooo rubbish at this lol xx

Hi Curvey, I'm not sure abt your twinge but it is possible that its pregnancy related. My first sign was a metallic taste in my mouth and I kept gagging when I brushed my back teeth. This was about a week n half after I ovulated.
Leeanne I totally agree with Rosie. I know Fern had terrible morning sickness and it took a while for it to go. She may have some handy tips to help.

Rosie - Sorry that your DS was poorly. It's the last thing you need with so little weeks left to go. Hope your DS feels better soon and you get some sleep.

Bunny - I've got to give you massive credit doing swimming and being pregnant! Lol
I'm aiming for either a swim tomorrow or aquanatal on Friday
Hi Curvey, I'm not sure abt your twinge but it is possible that its pregnancy related. My first sign was a metallic taste in my mouth and I kept gagging when I brushed my back teeth. This was about a week n half after I ovulated.

Omg iv a metallic taste in mouth too! Yeah its about a week and half since i ovulated... how long did it take u to get a positive test? My last period was here 1 May and was away by 4th, next one should be due in around 21-25 xx
Good luck Curvygirl - I can't really help as I didn't have any symptoms. I waited until 2 days after my period was due before testing - they do say to wait as there is a stronger chance of getting a positive result, I know some girls had positive tests earlier, and the first response test says it can test positive 6 days before your period - might be worth a shot.

Well today I am completely zapped. I just had walk into town and back on my lunchbreak and I am exhausted :eek: very strange... my legs feel like lead and I just didn't have any motivation to lift them!! I had a long day in London yesterday for a meeting, so hoping it might be delayed from that, but who knows!

Also my first pair of maternity jeans are now officially too small - I'm wearing them today and they're not comfortable at all anymore... but my other pair are fine still - strange, they're both New Look 18s, just different styles.
Curvygirl87 said:
Omg iv a metallic taste in mouth too! Yeah its about a week and half since i ovulated... how long did it take u to get a positive test? My last period was here 1 May and was away by 4th, next one should be due in around 21-25 xx

My period was due 30th Sept. I tested positive the day of my period but it was really really faint. The week leading up I did the following

5 days b4 my period (25th Sept) = Negative

3 days b4 my period (27th Sept) = negative

1 day b4 period (29th Sept) = negative

Day of period (30th Sept) positive with a faint line

From the first day I tested I had symptoms but got no result. It was really hard cos I then worried if I was convincing myself that I had symptoms lol
Aw i think id be like that too! Lol well period is due in and around 21-25 so il maybe take a test on sat and see what it says if its negative il wait until 25 and take another.. its maybe just all in my head!xx
Haha makes me wonder how I resisted testing early!! I tested about 5 times for the week after that first positive though just to convince myself it was real!
oh im terrible il go thru about 10 tests until my period cums lol (hpefully it doesnt hehe)
Omg iv a metallic taste in mouth too! Yeah its about a week and half since i ovulated... how long did it take u to get a positive test? My last period was here 1 May and was away by 4th, next one should be due in around 21-25 xx

I had a metallic taste in my mouth for about 2 days, it drove me mad. The day before i was due on i had a terrible tummy ache, not like normal period pains but it only lasted an hour or so. I woke up the day i was due on with (sorry for tmi) a little bit of brown blood and just assumed i had come on. I had a weird feeling later on that day which made me want to test and i got a really faint positive! I just had the blood (with a little bit of pink too) that day...i was super panicy as i had used a tampax! Pretty sure all is ok now though :)
Good luck with ttc never know it may have even happened :D
Cheeky - sorry I've never experienced braxton hicks - from what I've been told they are like contractions but not regular.
I've been getting pains when I twist or sometimes when I just get up - but nothing regular. Hope baby stays put till tomorrow at least for you through! I just want to get to tomorrow then baby can arrive whenever - means i'll be able to go to the MLU rather than the labour/delivery room.

Curvy - fingers crossed for you that your period doesn't turn up :) I also had aches and metallic taste - but didn't test till I was over 6 weeks as we hadn't been trying and so I didn't think we could be (DS took a lot of planning)
When I tested for this one the test went positive straight away! It was so quick I had to get a clearblue digital one - which came up and said 5+ to say I was shocked is an understatement. But things change and number 2 is due in the next 5 weeks.
Has anyone ever experienced braxton hicks?

I had a pain spread across the lower half of my stomach. It made me double over and lasted about 30secs.

Do you think that was a braxton.hicks?

I have no idea, I get them but any I get aren't sore, just tight feeling, like I've put a big elastic round. Saying that I'm earlier on than you, so maybe the closer you get then the more intense they are?

Ah ha

By the time you're within a couple of weeks of your due date, your contractions may get more intense and more frequent, and they may cause some discomfort. Unlike the earlier painless and sporadic Braxton Hicks contractions, which caused no obvious cervical changes, these contractions may help your cervix "ripen" — gradually soften and thin out (efface) and maybe even dilate a bit. This period is sometimes referred to as pre-labor.

In the days or weeks before labor, Braxton Hicks contractions may intermittently become rhythmic, relatively close together, and even painful, possibly fooling you into thinking you're in labor.
Lexie you always come up with a fountain of information haha. Think you!

It did feel like a contraction but not as painful and was in the same place as contractions.

Oh well I'm still alive and this little bubba is wriggling so just another complaint to being pregnant haha x
rosiepeace said:
Cheeky - sorry I've never experienced braxton hicks - from what I've been told they are like contractions but not regular.
I've been getting pains when I twist or sometimes when I just get up - but nothing regular. Hope baby stays put till tomorrow at least for you through! I just want to get to tomorrow then baby can arrive whenever - means i'll be able to go to the MLU rather than the labour/delivery room.

Curvy - fingers crossed for you that your period doesn't turn up :) I also had aches and metallic taste - but didn't test till I was over 6 weeks as we hadn't been trying and so I didn't think we could be (DS took a lot of planning)
When I tested for this one the test went positive straight away! It was so quick I had to get a clearblue digital one - which came up and said 5+ to say I was shocked is an understatement. But things change and number 2 is due in the next 5 weeks.

Thanks Rosie

Sorry I'm being dense but what is the MLU?
MLU is the midwife led unit - round here it's in the same hosiptal just a different part, basically means they are more likely to let you just get on with it rather than try to interfer with the labour or birth - usually only low risk, uncomplicated pregnancies are able to go to the MLU - slightest risk and you get sent to the delivery rooms.
The MLU is more like a home from home rather than being in a hospital.
Hope that helps and doesn't confuse you!
rosiepeace said:
MLU is the midwife led unit - round here it's in the same hosiptal just a different part, basically means they are more likely to let you just get on with it rather than try to interfer with the labour or birth - usually only low risk, uncomplicated pregnancies are able to go to the MLU - slightest risk and you get sent to the delivery rooms.
The MLU is more like a home from home rather than being in a hospital.
Hope that helps and doesn't confuse you!

Aww I want one of them places haha. I'm likely to be in high risk ward as my first only took 2 hrs where I got a 3rd degree tear so this time they think I'm gonna be faster and they want to control my labour.
Hi all, back to work for me blah, had a lovely 6 days off now all of a sudden my nausea has come back......gotta be work related lol!!!!

Hope everyone is ok xx
Hi all, back to work for me blah, had a lovely 6 days off now all of a sudden my nausea has come back......gotta be work related lol!!!!

Haha must be an allergy to work!!

Well ladies, I had a very strange dream last night that my waters broke in the hospital toilet and my legs gave way and wouldn't work, so I had to yell for help while crawling along the toilet floor!! My first labour related dream... how many more to follow I wonder??

I suddenly became very conscious of my bump yesterday! Didn't help that my jeans felt tight, and I had zero energy but I think it was kind of a realisation that I'm actually getting quite big now!

My follow-up scan appointment came through too - on Thursday at 11.40 - very annoying time middle of the day so as hubby doesn't get time off for them it looks like I'm going to have to go all on my own which I find a bit daunting...