Pregnancy and Slimming World

Hello girls, hope you are well.

I did a test today as im due on Wednesday,but its negative. I used first response test 6 days before period due date. Fingers crossed for next month! x
Mia I did a test on a wed was neg. Did another 6 days later was pos! N said 2-3 weeks! Xxx try again after ur period date x

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb
I will do another on Wednesday and see, but i i dont 'feel' pregnant im pretty sure my period is coming...

How have you been feeling hun?
Hi everyone, I've been ttc with my oh since Xmas, i did a test on wednesday and it was positive!! I'm very very happy but also scared in case anything goes wrong as this is our first baby. Im even worried about bending over or laying certain ways. Is this normal?
Also I keep getting period type pains in my stomach and legs that last about 10 mins. This happens about once/twice a day.
It is normal to be anxious, but try to relax and enjoy the experience. Period like pains are normal and I get through during my first trimester.
bunnylovesalan said:
It is normal to be anxious, but try to relax and enjoy the experience. Period like pains are normal and I get through during my first trimester.

Thank you :) I'm going to try and enjoy it as much as I can without worrying all the time.
Talking of period like pains, I had a heavy dragging feeling like I was due on today, then lower back pain and some sporadic abdominal cramping. Wasn't sure what was going on but seems to have cleared up now. Assuming this is normal first time had any lower back pain at all!

Husband still has man flu, and I know I should be more sympathetic but ended up having a breakdown/crying fit at 4 in the morning because I went to bed 11, he snored so badly he woke me up at 1, then I spent 3 hours trying to get back to sleep. Gave up and stormed off to the couch in tears. It's been going on for months and I can't take it. I need sleep.

Going to wrap his big snoring face in clingfilm. Pure coughing and spluttering everywhere. Covering mouth when sneezing? Oh no. Hankies? Don't be daft. Washing hands? No way! Splattering virus laden slebbers everywhere. Going to legit do him in.
Hi everyone, I've been ttc with my oh since Xmas, i did a test on wednesday and it was positive!! I'm very very happy but also scared in case anything goes wrong as this is our first baby. Im even worried about bending over or laying certain ways. Is this normal?
Also I keep getting period type pains in my stomach and legs that last about 10 mins. This happens about once/twice a day.

Missed this! Congratulations!

Bending over/lying (even on your stomach) this early on won't do you any damage. I'm a front sleeper and slept on my front until about 14 weeks I think. Baby is small at this stage, and cushioned behind your pelvic bones until about 12 weeks ish I think.

Anxiety is perfectly normal, just relax into it, you'll be grand :)
vic - congratulations, its normal to think all sorts of crazy stuff but the lovely ladies are here to answer any weird n wonderful questions! You're not alone!

Lexi - You should make him sleep on the couch!! As for sleep positions, i've not even thought about it, i'm a front sleeper as well, will have to try sleeping on my side from now on then, sure i've seen some special kind of pillow that makes it more comfy? Or should i just stick to normal pillows between the legs?

Weighed myself this morning and have put on at least 4 lb!(in a wk) boohoo! Have been eating crap and not SW so need to get a grip so if no-one minds i'm gonna post my food diary on here just for a wk with the hope that it will keep me on track. I really really don't want to put loads of weight on cos its took me 2.5 yrs to get 4 stone off!

Hope everyone is ok xx
Vic - Congratulations, being anxious and nervous is 'normal' It's a very special but scary time when you find out you're pregnant. Take it easy and relax

Jojo - Don't fret too much about your weight. You may have had a big gain this week but you may find the next two weeks are STS.

Lexie - Kick your OH out of bed haha you need your sleep more than he does lol

I've got my hospital appointment this morning where I'm gonna be monitored. I might ask about membrane sweeps and the possibility of having one. My body is getting ready, I'm going to the loo more and not for a pee ( if you know what I mean) I'm feeling nauseous and I have a little bit of back ache.

Hope you're all ok x
cheeky - good luck at hospital today, the thought of a sweep makes me feel very ill lol! Hey today could be the day then if you think you're getting ready , how exciting!!
As for the weight issue i know i'm probably being hard on myself but think i'm using pregnancy as an excuse to eat loads of rubbish which in turn is probably making me feel like rubbish too! It doesn't help that i feel really hungry all the time, am sat at work now planning meals for the wk but adding an extra meal as a snack, this might help with the hunger........must not buy bread!!!! ha ha

Anyway good luck for today xxx
Good luck Cheeky - hope it all goes well.

As for husband snoring, he's out working so I usually toddle off to the couch, my theory being I can nap during the day to catch up whereas he needs a solid nights sleep to keep me in the manner to which I am accustomed. Problem is it's given me a totally disrupted sleep pattern :(

We going to see another house today - just going with part exchange, market up her's crap. Spent most of last night looking at local schools, nurseries etc near house. Too much responsibility, usually looking at where to live it's 'Can we walk home if we're drunk?' Argh!

JoJo - Pregnancy pillow - £18 - Ebay. One long 5 foot pillow and it's really comfy. You can do with normal pillows but personally, I couldn't be bothered with all the rearranging when getting up and down for a pee. The big one, I slot over existing pillow for extra head support, slip the middle section under my bump and the rest between my knees/legs. Plus you don't have to go buy hunners and millions extra pillow cases. And you can use it for a breast feeding pillow when baby arrives.
JoJo I was a bread fiend in early pregnancy. I think it's a carb/tiredness/blood sugar thing but it's not there now!
Think Lexie and Jojo

Jojo I used to think the same with my first abt sweeps but after you've had a MW examining you, you've had her hand visit your lady garden and you've laid yourself bare when giving birth, things don't phase you as much lol

I remember with my first I was so worried I was gonna have a poo whilst pushing haha today!!

Mostly because I am suffering with sickness well not vein sick all time but nausea badly all day and not eatin well n gaggin all time!

Other half is so inconsiderate! I also work n have a 4 yr old. I'm tired all the time n he has lost his job again. He has done naff all round the house all week!! Not even washin up and he knows that when washin up I get sick too at the moment besides I do everythin else! Well washin up has been there days and it stinks to the point I can't go in the kitchen. Also I haven't been sleeping well and today. A bank hol where I could have a lie in for the week ahead... He has stayed in bed! I'm up with Jacob! :( I feel like I'm to do flipping everythin while he stays a boy he has never pulled his weight n I have always
Moaned and now I'm preg he still doesn't. Jacob fell sleep on sofa last night n he did nothin. Where I picked him up. I shouldn't be! Also been havin a few discomforts in my tummy from a pulling feelin to discomfort in my side. And then he says. Wanna go hospital. No I flipping don't. Help more so I'm not so stressed and tired n let me take it easy instead of doin everythin!

My house is a tip and I'm fed up cuz who ha to sort it n Hoover n clean.... Oh yeh.... Me

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb
Husband still has man flu, and I know I should be more sympathetic but ended up having a breakdown/crying fit at 4 in the morning because I went to bed 11, he snored so badly he woke me up at 1, then I spent 3 hours trying to get back to sleep. Gave up and stormed off to the couch in tears. It's been going on for months and I can't take it. I need sleep.

Going to wrap his big snoring face in clingfilm. Pure coughing and spluttering everywhere. Covering mouth when sneezing? Oh no. Hankies? Don't be daft. Washing hands? No way! Splattering virus laden slebbers everywhere. Going to legit do him in.[/QUOTE]

Haha, this was me Saturday night with my fella, but booted him out and told him to sleep on sofa as I was pregnant, lol
Now he has woke n we had a row. He thinks it is justified that he is on the pc all day lookin for a job while on facebook and that it's more importnant than washin up or housework! Not all friggin day!

I feel like leavin. I feel so sick n stressed out n the whole house is a mess n I need a sleep n he refuses to wash up! Thing us the smell makes me so sick an I have to go through the kitchen to the toilet!!!


Hate men thought he was different :,( I always get into stupid messes n make mistakes!!! :,(

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb
I would not make rash decisions when your emotional and tired. Sounds like a good idea if you could both sit and down and talk about how he is making you feel.