Pregnancy and Slimming World

Lol at leaky boobs! My OH is obsessed with mine atm! Will he still be when i get to squirt him in the eye with milk ha ha

Blah night shift tonight , must stay away from the tasty treat machine!!!
Ah. Seems pregnancy has triggered the old 'talking in my sleep' trait that's not been as frequent for many many years now. Woke myself up berating husband (who slept through, the man's a log) for not finishing what he started in my dream . Also at one point as drifting off talking gibberish 'No! Don't put the sugar bowl on my back. The cubes will get all over the bed. F**kin stupid man' He eventually stopped rolling about the bed laughing to tell me what I'd said.

I was dreaming about sugar bowls and he had just touched my back, so it makes sense, I just don't remember saying all of it. :(

Oh mental pregnancy hormones. Where have you been all my life?
roflmao........n nearly wee'd too!!!!! I love those kind of random dreams/mutterings!!!!!

woohoo night shift nearly over, not been that bad tbh!

Food diary - EX easy
B - 28g porridge(HEB) and punnet raspberries(ss), HEA milk

D - ready cooked chicken legs(s) from morrisons(skin off) no superfree oops!
T - cod fillet, mash and mushy peas(ss) again no superfree!
S - 1 pk Ainsleys lemon cous cous(2), salad leaves(s),tomatoes(s), pepper(s) and cucumber(s), 1 tbs light salad cream(1.5)
S - 3 x ryvitas(3) 2 tsp low fat spread(2), velvet crunch(4)

total syns = 12.5 - better than yesterday providing i don't pass mc'ds on way home :D

Looking forward to my bed, hope i have a wacky dream lol :p
Lexie - I hope you didn't say anything criminating lol

Fern - You will have days where tiredness/exhaustion will hit you but hopefully you will also have bursts of energy too.

Jojo, well done for being on the plan!

I'm feeling rather fed up today...

I couldn't fall a sleep last night and I kept hearing weird noises in my house lol

Baby decided she was going to have a rave. All my pelvis area hurt where she was wriggling, with legs and bum pushing hard against me. My back had started to ache a little and I was forever peeing. At one stage I.thought here comes labor but the moment baby stopped moving all pains went so no luck lol

Then my little girl had a nightmare abt 2ish and I had only dropped off to sleep!

What a night lol

I think I might have to get out of the house and do some gardening to get me out of this mood.

Hope you're all doing well x
Sickness is coming harder!
Week 7(ish) and nausea all day every day and at least once a day am violently sick... Like projectile sorry for tmi!

I feel a bit weak as I'm off food.

On that note some foods are ok. The ones I crave.... Think cravings have set in. Anything orange. Tip top marmalade orange juice even oranges! And I hate oranges! The skin makes me cringe! But u ate 2 whole ones at moms. Tasted nom! But each bite I was thinkin WTF am I doin I hate these and always have since a little girl!

Also am loving fruit if any kinds at the mo. Am not a fruit person I have to be in the mood but have started carting some tinned papaya and things with me cuz I kno I'm gonna want it.

Suppose that's good I crave healthy especialy as I can't keep The days contents down or even eat propper meal. I'm just grazing on fruit and marmalade on toast.

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb
Leann. Go to the doctor. Prescriptions whilst pregnant are free. You can get something to help with the nausea. There's no point continuing to feel miserable.

Jo Jo - Plan looking good! No donuts I see ;)

Fern - Have days where tiredness is on and off - yesterday I slept for a combined total of 14ish hours, but was just so tired. Today's a bit better.

Cheeky - Oh the one person disco! My baby throws those quite often too ;) I there a park near you? I don't know how you feel about venturing from home at this stage, but a wee jaunt around somewhere different might be pleasant?
Lexie sadly there isn't any nice parks near me.

I've also decided to potty train my little girl and she's doing well. So can't really venture out of the house whilst going through this process.

Coming on here helped lift the mood already so feel better than early this morning lol
Hi everyone,

Lol at the sleeptalking Lexie - my hubby absolutely loves it when I talk in my sleep, he finds it hilarious!!

Bunny - talking of leaky boobs I finally treated myself to some breast-pads on the weekend after about 4-5 weeks of leakage (only from the right one though!!) so have enjoyed putting a sanitary towel in my bra every night :p

Well I'm back in work today after my fall on Thursday - still in a lot of pain, especially sitting in an office chair after spending the last six days either on my feet or lying on my side. Couldn't stay off anymore though - it was driving me mad!! And it is a lot better than it was - I can move around a lot better now.

Lexie - when I spoke to a doctor they gave me the exact same advice you did!! Can tell you're a nurse!!
Just a shame really how rubbish paracetomol is - it just hasn't touched it.

I have started feeling the baby's movements more now (so pleased as thought it would take longer with my anterior placenta) - just odd prods and twitches, and general movement. Feels amazing and makes me smile everytime!! Hubby is jealous though, he just wants to be able to feel the movements now but I guess that'll be another couple of weeks when the baby grows.

Hope everyone else is doing ok xxx

Lexie - when I spoke to a doctor they gave me the exact same advice you did!! Can tell you're a nurse!!
Just a shame really how rubbish paracetomol is - it just hasn't touched it.

Ha ha! Always good to go get checked out though, shame paracetamol's not denting it :(.
I know what you mean, I've cherished every movement. It's so special

I love it. i actually posted on FB the other day saying 'I love being full of baby'.

I'd keep baby in there for a while longer, going to be lonely when they come out :(
Hi guys still got baby on board, just very uncomfortable so not spending much time in front of the laptop - mostly spending time on the ball bouncing trying to get comfy.
Am fine just suffering bad heartburn and feeling uncomfortable.

Baby had been quite quiet since Sunday - still getting movements but less than they had been, so went to see midwife today - all is fine. Have to keep a diary of movements and if they are less than 10 a day have to visit hospital to get scanned.

Baby has now dropped a bit and is apparently sitting on the brim so is ready to get engaged, am hoping it keeps going down!

I managed to lose 1lb this week - although I think it's due to me wearing lighter clothes this week as I wore my jeans last week. It's def got nothing to do with food as I've been eating mostly rubbish - I have now gone off fruit and veg which is a bit pants - am mostly eating bread which isn't great - but am hoping to get back into fruit and veg once baby arrives.

Hope you guys are doing ok and aren't getting too uncomfortable with it all. Am hoping DS sleeps through tonight as since sunday he's been up alot during the night, which means mummy is getting less sleep.

I know what you guys mean about it being special feeling the baby moving about.

Sarah - hope you're feeling better after your fall!

Leanne - get down to the dr's - they will be able to give you something for the nausea and it will be free anyway as you are pregnant!

My boobs aren't leaky - but today they feel like they have doubled in size and weight!
Have been having pre-period type pains this past couple of days so am hoping that this is the start but don't think things will be moving yet!
Aww i want baby movements!!!!! I know, they will come soon enough!

Feeling better than i thoughtafter doing a night shift on no 2 atm! Not been sick again, the other day must have been random!

Is this really weird? .......... the team i'm on i'm the only woman which suits me lol just been told that we getting another woman and shes pregnant OMG! really not happy bunny for some reason? Theres a manager on another team who is due same time as me which is great as she knows all the works ins and outs and i'm fine with that! Am i being daft? lol. Mst be something in the water at work since its 90% men!

woohoo 2nd night shift nearly over, still feeling ok as well!

Food diary - Green day
B - 28g porridge(HEB), milk(HEA), 1 apple(S), 1 banana
S - 1 slice of thin white bread 800g(3.5), 2 tsp low fat spread(2)
T - SW chips, 2 eggs and beans(SS), 1 brown roll(HEB)
D - HM SW potato salad(HEA)(2.5) and salad - lettuce leaves(S),pepper(S),tomato(S),cucumber(S)
S - 1/2 SW syn free roulade with strawberries(SS)

Total syns = 8 Go me!

Just to add i did not go past Mc'ds on way home! Should get bonus syns for that! pmsl

The SW potato salad was lush nom nom
JoJo - Well done for another good day and baby movements are only around the corner

Rosie - Glad to hear baby is moving down and hope your DS starts sleeping through the night again.

I totally emphasise with you on the movement front and how you feel with baby being quiet, its very hard to judge if the reduced movements are 'normal' sign of labor coming or there is something to be concerned. Hope all goes well.

I've had my weigh in and at 39 weeks I've gained a total of 12.5lbs. I had a 2lb weight gain which has been the biggest gain since 33 weeks, so rather chuffed.

Im off to the hospital this morning, to be on the doppler and then another monitoring. Baby is very quiet this morning, but wonder if its because I am up early and she would normally be asleep.

I am hoping that the MW is a bit more communicative today. Will keep you all posted.

Jo jo i felt babe move at 19+1, which is good going for first babes, so fingers crossed you feel early too!!

why do you feel a bit funny about a new preggo lady joining you? just unsettling your comfy surroundings do you think? you may find you take to each other well because you ahve somthing in common xxxxx

rosie, i dont think it'l be long for you! xx
I have an anterior placenta too, and you can still feel the kicks and mobements as does hubby. Although he's freaked out by the rolling movements.

Baby getting into a very noticeable routine, if I'm not up by 9 I'm getting kicked awake. Hard. I know they're not actually waking me up, I just find it funny.

Husbands away to Manchester until Friday night, so its just me and Lexie dog ourselves in the house. Maybe some knitting. Maybe a chinese takeaway or some mushroom and cabbage peirogi. Oh the excitement!
Hi ladies, thought I'd give you an update.

The hospital have finally come to a decision. Luckily my consultant was at the hospital and got to look at my notes and scan details.

Cutting a long story very short, I was given a sweep (which was uncomfortable) and also given me an inducement date of 8th June (day before my due date)

The reason being is that

1) Baby is still small ish
2) There are some signs that the placenta isn't functioning fully
3) I had a fast birth with my first so they want to control this labor.

I'm feeling very uncomfortable now, I've got back ache.and cervix discomfort.

It's now just a waiting game x