Pregnant and Over Weight... My weight lose journey..xx

Well lucas has broken up fod easter his already been a nightmare lol!!
This weekend is the first time really lucas has thrown a paddy when we have been out..he threw one saturday and yesterday at the white rose. I used to find it really embarrassing if lucas wud even cry in public but im passes it especially this weekebd I let him paddy but I grabbed him told him off and let him b dragged round cryin that im an awful mummy!!!!!
Lucas wanted a toy I said no well that was it the end of the world! I explained mummy and daddy were takin him to primrose valley in two weeks so he will not be gettin a toy. He then said it was unfair so I explained toys that are lots of pennys (this toy was 25pound) were for bday and xmas and treats. Lucas had a really good report at school so we got him a spider figure for like 5pounds. Lucas jus doesnt understand the value cors he doesnt his only four so he thinks something from the pound shop is the value of something inbthe disney shop ect.
I had to snap at the MIL coz shes like ill buy it...NO U WONT he needs to learn he cnt jus get something coz he wants it.
Its the easter holidays things are very rarely free to do were off to a farm for a picnic for a sleep over at a friends were off to haven primrose valley so his got loads to look forward too the toy wud losebits novalty after five minutes!

Anyway and breathe lol!!!

I heard there is meant t b a heatwave this week I really hopebits nxt week wen were away :) walkin round whitby and Scarborough in the sun lovely lol


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Another lovely day so goin t take lucas too temple newsam today :) packin a picnic :)

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Hi all
Had a lovely couple of days temple newsam was brilliant good job we went with others I wasnt allowed in the lambin bits of the farm! Lucas had a fab day!
Yesterday I took lucas t tye cinema all I cud think of while wathin the muppets was gettin home coz letters had been sent out about schools allocated!! So lucas got into fieldhead the school his at now!! 5 kids from afternoon nursry dint get in and been allocated schoola they dint pick and about 20mins away by bus!! So thankfully were not one of them sooo stressful!!
Goin t our friends today they have a lil girl mia whose 9 mnths younger than lucas its a love hate relationship..goin t sleep there and have a bbq :) everyone will have a few beers ill pop open me coke ;)

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Also hope it's a heat wave this weekend. :) weather is so unpredictable at the moment. I went to work without a jacket this morning, currently sat waiting for a train and I'm freezing.

Apparently asda are having a baby event next week and everything will be reduced. We have a huge asda with a massive baby range, so I'll let you know how it is!! Anyway to save some pennies helps :)
Happy easter ;)
The easter bunny paid lucas a visit he has loads!!!!

Had a good weekend took lucas t sundown yesterday he loves that theme park.
Im currently sat upstairs.... carl and lucas are both really grumpy n ive had enough of it always mme who gets it in the neck so cnt smile anymore!! Had a few tears but ill b ok... sometimes carl forgets im pregnant n he has rest bite from lucas at work I dnt so last thing I beed is him moanin lucas is grumpy ect l ggrrr anyway moan over!

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So yesterday dint end as bad as it started carl and lucas said sorry and I was made a lovely gammon dinner :).
Had a mcdonalds today...eeeeekkkk I had a big burger and it was amazin!! I reallllly fancied one!!
Since been home houseworks all done done 4 loads of washing and its out on the line... were goin to lrimrose calley this weekend so tryin to get all washin and ironin done as well as the things im takin with us xxx
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Gammon sounds nice and mcdonalds every now and again does no harm. I keep seeing that KFC taster things on TV and want the sweet chilli one. So may have a take a trip next week.

How's your little bump? Do you feel kicks on the outside yet? And do you feel hiccups? Everyone keeps asking me if I feel hiccups but I don't think I have. Not that is know what it felt like.
Gammon sounds nice and mcdonalds every now and again does no harm. I keep seeing that KFC taster things on TV and want the sweet chilli one. So may have a take a trip next week.

How's your little bump? Do you feel kicks on the outside yet? And do you feel hiccups? Everyone keeps asking me if I feel hiccups but I don't think I have. Not that is know what it felt like.

I feel flutters and some now are gettin stronger so I think soon they will b actual u?
I have never felt hiccups I never did with Lucas either.. so I dnt even no what they feel like!!
Bumps fine 23weeks and a day now cnt believe monday im six months already!!
How r u n bump?


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6 months feels quite far along! 3rd trimester :)
I will be 6 months on our 1st wedding anniversary. :)

Baby is moving constantly, like all the time. It's a nice feeling. I saw movements from the outside in the bath last night but way too little to be felt by anyone. Everyday I experience something new and is lovely .
Aaawww thats lovely..yeh baby flutters loads not all the time but then again sometimes I may not feel it I was at tue dentost yeatersay and she was rollin about with I tjought was funny!!
Yeh 6 months is not long to go :D

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Wall paper is nice. I have plain white walls, but we are brightening it up with bright bedding, curtains and some bright canvases.
We decided not to go down the pink route. But we have got some pink clothing. :)
Oooo I am I thought ooo what the heck lol if she turna outs t b a he we start again haha! Were jus wallpaperin the bk wall so only goin on one wall!

Im 25 weeks pregnant today its goin soooo fast!!!


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Happy 25 week. When is 6 months? At 26 weeks?

I'm almost 24 weeks. It's lovely :)
I'm full of cold at moment, just suffering on and moaning to myself I didn't have flu jab when I should have lol
Thanks, darlin - I did get within 4 lbs of the 9s but then got complacent! Boo!

Really want to get back down there - just need a kick up the hiney!

Oo have u!! Poor u!!yeh I had it...goon to get the whoopin cough one done as well are u?
Erm I dnt no me and my friend were disgustin this we settled at 26/27 weeks jus coz we couldnt agree when we wud say six months was lol!!!!


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Jus put lucas to bed and he kissed my tummy n said night night bean love ur big brother!!
My hearts melted I came dwn stairs and cried it jus really touched my heart!!!!

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Get lots of sleep! We watched Jurassic park in 3D last night and I fell asleep on sofa, woke up during the end. Hubby never even noticed I missed the film lol!!

That's cute about Lucas. Some moments are really special arn't they. :)
Get lots of sleep! We watched Jurassic park in 3D last night and I fell asleep on sofa, woke up during the end. Hubby never even noticed I missed the film lol!!

That's cute about Lucas. Some moments are really special arn't they. :)

Oo wow I bet thats ace wathin that in 3d! Carl was on nights so I watched The Bodyguard and had a can of cherry tango :D
I feel better today, luxas dint wake up last night so that helpped majorly!!


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