Well where have I been the last week or so lol
(Not writing on here... (Slaps wrists)
Right well......
Not sure if I had the sweet potato and peas, I think we had new pots instead.. (It was that long ago I can't remember!!!)
We went racing last weekend (not the one just gone the weekend before) and I was chuffed to bits with a pound gain (home scales) so was thinking quite positively, then the other half and I went for a couple of days to Weston super mud... And let's say because it was warm I didn't drink my normal sugar free drinks I instead drank slush puppies and canned coke (vanilla which isn't diet!!) and fanta fruit twist bottles!!! And we had an amazing meal out which was 3 courses of scrummy bad food. And cream tea for lunch.
When we got back I was at 14 stone
Then we went to Santa pod and another meal out on Sunday (bug jam!!)
So the scales were 14 stone 1.6 pounds (booooooo)
They are back down to 14stone 0.4 lbs this morning so they are going back down.
I am back slim fasting it

which I am actually loving.... (Crazy I know)
Not sure if I am going to get to a slimming world meeting this week as I have been asked to work late on Wednesday night (usual night) and Thursday night, so will have to wait and see... Not been to one now in 3 weeks (had to miss a week then has 2 weeks booked off)
So today's food is.
Breakfast: slim fast strawberry shake
Lunch: slim fast chocolate shake
Snack ( slash addition to lunch) small bowl of spag Bol (left over from dinner last night)
Will also have some grapes and watermelon later for afternoon snack.
Dinner,... I'm debating on having another shake (Cambridge one ) but if not prolly stirfry veg and maybe some chicken( if I can be bothered if not just the veg)
I want my Achilles to stop hurting
Then I can exercise!!!