Oh in still here. Every intention of writing every day but i am struggling to find the time.
i would love to know where i got the time before esp in my last job when i had to look after 2 children as well and i finished later...
maybe my life is just full of more rubbish than before lol.
well in at the school harvest festival recital. Well in currently sat in the car as little one is asleep and i can,not bare to wake him.
i had to sleep over last night because the parents are away. Hopefully they will get back on time for my finishing coz in knacked, little ones bedroom is right above the spare room and he kicks the cot in his sleep, so every time that happened it woke me up... And resulted in very little sleep!!!! So you all need to talk to those traffic gods and make there be no traffic on the m25!!!
weight wise well in not too bad, but needed to pull my finger out more esp with the drinking of water.. So ive been trying to do my best on that one.
ok need to get going now...