Pretty little blue Pill!!!- the fight to the end!!!!!

right today has been slightly not as good! not counting it as a 100% day, as ive had sausages (normal ones) for lunch... tut tut...
its because im not back on the tablets yet from when we were away last week. and if i was back on the tablets i wouldnt have had them, because i wouldnt have wanted the side effects!!
so its back on those little blue pills tomorrow, no questions asked!!!!!!

did some more jogging at lunch, and i will do some more tonight as im babysitting. so im going to try and get in an hour like i did last time... lets hope i can do that lol!!!
right im broken again!! lol
another hour on the treadmil tonight and another 6.4km!! woop woop...

need to have a good night sleep tonight!!

i brought a heart rate monitor yesterday, and ive had it on all day. and including my workouts apparently ive burnt off 3046 cals today!!! i dont know how correct that is... but wow!! i just need to move a little mroe, and not eat and ill be losing it mega quick! lol
oh i couldnt live without food!!!

speaking of which, ive not had the best of food days, and ive gone over my syns... woops!
so im a 8/9 100% days...
but i guess thats better than it being none, or just one or two!!

i will once again cry if i dont lose weight this week.....

also i had the incline up on the tread mill... only to 1... but i will gradually take it up!!
my legs are feeling it now!!!

babysiting tonight, so i have to go and clean up the kitchen in a min as ive not done it yet... woops!

ive got nothing stoping me from doing a good few sessions on the wii this weekend as we are not going anywhere (other than shopping and getting new boots for the car)

so im back on the tablets tomorrow, no questions about it, and then i will stop eating rubbish!!
Well done on the exercise yet again, you're doing so well at it that I'm sure going slightly over your syns won't make any difference at all.
I don't think my car wears boots...
new boots??

Well done on the exercise hun! I wish I CBA to do some hehe!

right today, foodwise is going good. stuck to plan, and have had no syns yet so far.. WOOP WOOP....

im so tired after getting home so late last night, that im going to give the treadmill a miss today, and just do the wii fit tonight.

dont want to over do things, esp with me still recovering.. although im prob not! lol
Sounds reasonable. Don't want a set back missy!! :p :)

well i had a fabbo day yesterday!!
we went to Milton Keynes, and went shopping, and i actually for the first time, brought something from River Island!!!! and then went and brought it and a few other things from new look and next all size 14!!!

i also tried on some jeans size 14, and i can get them on but they are still a little tight, so i didnt buy them. but oh my gosh, over the moon about it!!

we had lunch at i think bhs, i had a jacket pot and beans, no cheese and no butter, so no syns! WOOP WOOP.
then we went for dinner at a beef eater, and i had steak and salad.
and a couple of chippies.. so they would not have come to 15 syns, so i had another 100% day.

i am ever so over the moon about the size 14 tops...
i want more now...

its been so long since i went shopping and actually brought anything that i liked and fitted...

i wish i could...
i was having a right downer friday and sat morning, felt horrid, still fatty kes! but i think that was all down to me feeling rubbish about how i looked, i have still been wearing size 18 tops, (mainly because we cant afford for me to buy clothes) so ive been wearing baggy things.... now i am going to have a good clear out, and get a few more 14's and i will feel much better.
Hi Kes
You should have a look in some of the charity shops for some tops as you wont be in them long thats what im doing that way you dont have to spend alot and then you can have a good spend up when you reach your target.. I can actually get in a size 22 trousers now instead of my old size 28,, and I bought some nice ones from our local charity shop...

I cant wait until im in a 14....good luck on your weight journey..Tina..x
thanks sheba, yeah i do the charity shops from time to time, but they never have anything i like and that is in fashion.. but occaSIONaly there will be somthing i like.

well im VERY pi**ed off!!!

i had a 0.5lb loss last week...
what the heck went wrong.....
i dont understand!!
i busted my gut! had 1 bad day (that wasnt an overly bad day but still slightly over syns)
i felt like crying to be honest!! my scales showed a 3lb loss... but i knew that couldnt be true so i was at least hoping for 1-2lbs on the scales at slimming world...
I just want to cry!
it would bloody wanna show its face, or im never gonna get into my wedding dress!
Awww :( *hugs* maybe the timing was just wrong?
well went out for dinner at prezzo last night, and had pizza.. im ok with that, and im sure im going to put on this week after it, but well there isnt much i can do about it now.

im feeling really in a horrid mood today, depressed, cross, angry... just dont know really what to do with myself...


just been out on the treadmil though and did another 4km... woop woop...
hoping my legs will stop hurting tomorrow.... they are really sore from the wii active session i did on monday...
bloody inline skating just screws me up!!!
its not doing anything on my bum at the moment!!! im still the same! ehhhhhhhhhhhhh

(impatience kicking in now!! !!lol)
so unsettled in my mood!, ive not felt like this in a while.... mega depressed.. im wondering if its a good idea to see the Dr... i just dont wanna talk, i hate feeling like this.

i just feel like crying 90% of the day, and the other 10% i just dont want to be around anyone!