naawww kelly, thats not fair... come on.. stay up with me!!!!! lol
we went shopping today...
and i could not believe what i brought...
a sixe 12 (wide leg) pair of jeans at Next.
and a small (i would hate to think what someone who was actually small would be wearing...) dress from Apricot...
i couldnt believe the 12 jeans though!
they are tight on the thighs... and they are supposed to be wide leg so loose, but hey ho. they do up, and the 14 waist was too big... and i tried on some boot cut fit ones, in the 12 and i can get them on and done up, but they are a little tight... so i would not be able to wear them out anywhere, so i really wouldnt want to buy them until i know that they are going to fit me.

so i just need to lose some weight in my legs, and i will be happy...
tried on some jeans in River island... i can do the 14's up, but thier bootlegs are skinny bootlegs and they were really tight all the way down to my ankles.. (like what skinny jeans are suppposed to be..)
but i could at least get them on!!!!
i was really chuffed with the 12's and i was also trying on coats because i can wrap last years round me a few times, and i was shocked that i was a 12... (next) and a medium/large or 12 in TK MAX... found a really nice one.. cant remember the brand. but they only had an xl in it

if anyone wants to chat... im on msn.. (pm me for my addy) and im on face book... Krystle Smith (picture is the same as on here..) so feel free to chat