and im still so far so good!
got through lunch time. so im doing well.
and feeling really positive! so thats also a bonus....
im so nervous about this weekend (going to see the dress and try it on...) i just hope ive done enough to at least get it on... i also secretly hope it fits, then i can try and concentrate on maybe maintaining (by eating or start refeed) and maybe get to the gym if i can or go swimming...
i never thought i would ever say this but i do realllllly miss going to the gym, although im absolutly shatted at the moment, and wish i was curled up in bed all the time. i just really want to get to goal (ish) and start being normal again...
to be honest... if you are a social bunny like me... then cd isnt for you... if you are constantly out and about, or like having people over, or going to friends houses.. then DONT DO IT!!
but if its a case of you can clear your diary (kinda what i did with the few odd occasion in there) then you should be ok...
i am up in arms on what to do on sat... because hopefully i will be back into ketosis by then (fingers crossed for no naughty slip ups) i dont want to get out of it... but i have a friend coming up (she is coming with me to see my dress) and we are goind shopping after... so i dont know waht to do... she knows that i am dieting.. and that things are going really well (weightloss wise, not anything else because its not been going well) so she will understand if i didnt eat or had a premade shake while i was with her.. i just dont know if i should just find somewhere and have a salad or soemthing like that.. i dunno....
i will have to decide on sat what will be best for us.