yes i like to eat too. i think that is my problem!!!
well yesterday was about as 100% as im prob going to get!! i had a small amount of chicken, as well as my packs and skimmed milk, so not totally in the 100% range but blooming close enough!

very pleased about that.
and also this morning, there has been so many oppotunities for me to eat random things, but i have been able to say no!
im very pleased about this also!!!
the real test is going to be this afternoon, when the kids and i make one of my fave dishes! lol i dont know why i do this to myself. but i know i can do it and i dont need to eat it...
so i might just have to have the computer on while we are doing it, and make sure that im not going to be naughty...
ive set my mind not to be so i hope i can get through it...
its so dark and cold today! i cant believe that winter is coming around so quickly! but this does also mean that the trip to australia (and the warmth!!) is also coming around quickly... whhich can be a good thing and also a not so good thing! good thing because then i wont have to be excited for much longer... bad thing because it means that the days are getting fewer and fewer for me to lose the weight i need to.... hmmmmmmm
lets hope that i can get my bum into gear and get losing properly!