Pretty little blue Pill!!!- the fight to the end!!!!!

I agree, you did look stunning. Well done. There's a sw open event next Sunday and I'm trying to decide if I want to go .

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Well its half past 11 and I'm still in bloody bed... what's wrong with me. Lol..... I've got sore muscles too, which is aiding my need to stay in bed.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz lol

Can't believe its Wednesday! Where is this week going? Really.... where!

Tomorrow is Australia day... :)

Right I need to get my arse out of bed... no more procrastination!

I think I added a photo.... let me know if it worked or not

Another Piccie.

It worked kes you look great

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Awww you look lovely Kes, that dress is gorgeous!
Well I had a great night... put on a few pounds but hey Ho I enjoyed....
I've now locked my self out of the house though
my darling lovely husband came to the rescuse and came and let me back in...

went for a swim today too.. did about 1km in just under half an hour... (gonna work at doing it quicker and more)
ive not been swimming in ages. and i cant find my goggles so i have red sore eyes now... booooo

but i got my exercise in for today..
now off to get ready for work...
Hellooooo gawjus lady!

Wow you look stunning in the pics hunny! Im soooo proud of ya! You have done so well!

Its been ages since we spoke r u still working in the gym?

lotsa love


Thank you Soooooo Much for my aus day pic. Thankyou.

Yes.. still working in the reception at the gym, but I don't know how long for. They have messed me over far too much! Cross about it all.. but I'm ok ill find a way!
Your welcome lovely!

No way I'm sorry to hear that Hun! Hope you get it sorted ASAP!

Are you at your lowest weight now? You really do look fab mrs

No not at lowest.... I'm about a stone and a bit from lowest!!!

Right well I kinda downward spiralled since getting pissed off with the gym manager at work, so I've gained loads... I dare not look at the scales!!!

I'm such an emotional eater, and also I hide eat, and do it in secret. Which I have to get under control

I've got a new program in the gym, which I will be starting tomorrow (did it Friday when the lady did my program so my muscles still hurt, so this could be interesting) I am working nights this week, so I'm thinking maybe just really cutting back on cals and have a week of low cal to boost me... But will see how much gets burnt with the workout. And those tablets start going back into my mouth from tomorrow mornings breakfast!!!!!

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Sounds a good plan :) only push yourself so far at the gym and listen to your body... Have a good week :)