well lets just say im still extreemly sore! lol.. hamstrings are so tight still!!!
well the tabs are stopped as i am away this weekend, and going out for dinner. so i just cant be bothered with the hassle. and its the MIL's birthday on sunday, so we are going to have a meal for her, i just cant be dealing with any effects from them.
im back on them again on monday. then mothers day off, then back on them and then its back to adams racing the weekend after so off them again, and then on them again, and then off them for my birthday...
i think i just give up!! lol
had a lovely day shopping with a friend today, and tomorrow im going down to my friend in Kent, and she is doing beauty thearpy at college so im going there for a few treatments (being guinea pig!!) lol
got a lovely black dress from matalan to wear with my lovely cheryl cole red heels!

love my heels!!
right off to catch up on my emails.