Hiya Kes - I haven't been on here for months! Good to see you're still about (I think we both originally started at the same time!) hope you're well! X
hey hun, yes i think we did... man that was a while ago...
how are you going?? hope you are well.
Kes you sound so like me when it comes to eating lol, i very often eat when no one is around, its like no one saw me have it so it doesnt count

hope your having a good week
i dont know what my problem is, i constantly talk myself into being good, then before i know it i am being bad...
but im goona sort what i have now come to terms with is my addiction to food, and my addiction to eating loads of it..
i could just sit there and munch my way through a whole chocolate bar (not that ive done that for a long time ) and not stop. i need to learn and reeducate me brain to think. ok one or two pieces is enough i dont need anymore. its still going to be there another time.
which i know now stems from my childhood. we were never allowed many things nice, and if we were then it would be left out on the kitchen side for us to put in our lunch boxes, we were never taught oh if you fancy something have it if you dont then dont, so i alwyas hang out for the moment that something was left in the kitchen for me to take to school, therefore couldnt wait till i got to school, so i used to eat it on the way (more times than none) which i think contrubutes to my brains way of thinking now... if ive got something nice now, i have to eat it all before it gets taken away, and "left on the kitchen side" for me later....
another thing wth that, is if i found the stash of goodies so to speak, then i would steal one (no one saw so no one could tell me off) so thats where i get the secret eating now.....
i need to get this side sorted before i get anywhere near goal, as once im not going to be on such a strict plan (fats etc) then im going to go mental again and eat the entire shop of anything "bad"