well back here in the UK (got in about midnight last night)
woke up this morning when the other half got up for work, and i feel like rubbish... sore throat, achey, and you know that lovely totm feeling... ehhhhh
all you guys that are on here that are ill have all passed it onto me!! lol
i went back to sleep after he left this morning, and then didnt wake up until 12:15pm

i dont think i have ever slept in like that, so im kinda thinking that i needed it. so i will go with that... and all the things i needed to do today can wait..
but today for the last 4 hours that i have actually been awake LOL i have been doing good..
im a typical daily weigher and i dont think i will ever change on that have been for the last few years and i am can deal with the ups and downs (as long as they change and not sts for weeks on end)
i will be posting on my diary what i weigh each day (well each day that i can)
soooo todays weight is 13 stone 11.2lbs
i am on 4 packs a day (various different brands that i need to use up) otherwise im not going to get into my dress that i want to be in for the awards night in january..
its not something that i wanna do (and i know that if im not careful ill put it all back on after the night) but im going to get through the next few weeks, and then back into the healthy low fat eating.
i am going to be taking the tablets when im on my 4 packs, as i know that has worked before (when i had to get into my wedding dress)
i just hope that this dress fits at the end of this, as i know how tough its gonna be.. but i will get through it, as im sure all of you will be there for me.