Pretty little blue Pill!!!- the fight to the end!!!!!

Morning Kes....just popping in to say hello and welcome back :D
It's great to see you here, and even better to hear that you've managed to sort things out with your husband and come to an agreement about having children. It really must have been such an horrendous time, so you can't be too hard on yourself for losing your way.
What matters is that you're back on track, you know what works for you, and you know you can succeed. Don't look back and have regrets about what's been and gone, look forward to getting into that dress and feeling fabulous in it!

Lots of love x x x
I've been my usual slack rubbish minnier.. Sorry

Well it's been a bit up and down with the scales, I've done loads of exercise and some weight training in there too, so instead of the scales going down, I saw them go up... Tbh I got quite depressed about it and a little fed up,, but I decided to try and pick myself up and get on with things, and now I've started taking my measurements as well, so hopefully I will see inch loss if I don't see the weight loss...

I know as I have not done any exercise for a while that I will build a but of muscle, but hey who doesn't get disheartened when it comes to weight gain when you know you tried hard...

I have got to stop the whole eating thing because I think we'll ....... It I am gonna put on weight being good, so I may as well enjoy the ride. (A packet of biscuits later!!!!)

I have seriously let my life slip so much that I have to go back to the beginning of learning about my body and the foods I eats and the mind frame.

I will get there though...
it is hard seeing the scales go up even if we know its only muscle :( so taking measurements is a great idea, i should do this myself.

Your not alone in letting things slip, i am as bad if not worse. You can do this Kes, i have seen you do it before and i will again :D
I love taking my measurements. I find it such a motivation because my losses are slow.

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Why is it you have one extremely great day on track, then you go and blow one hell of a good loss with stuffing if the face and feeling like poo!!!!

Well as you can tell I had a rubbish day yesterday, I tried to reply last night to my thread but my iPad doesn't seem to like me, and I didn't think of going on my pod!!!

Here's to a good day ( and peeing every 5 mins) today and putting the crappy day I had yesterday behind me !!!!

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Well I don't know what is going on with my iPad, but its being a little bit rubbish.


I have hit rock bottom again, only to hopefully spring back. I am so over being the size I am, I just want to crack on with my life and get to my goal weight.

I've set out 7lb goals, and rewards that I can go and buy when I hit those goals,... So in 7lbs time I get to go and get some more eye shadow and a lipstick or gloss, which I'm kinda looking forward to, but I'm not allowed to go and get them until I get to that 7lbs,

Right off to work now.. Hopefully to not have a busy night, and that I don't have to do much, coz I'm tired. And I can't handle too many cranky customers.
Well I'm in France, my app isn't working on my phone, so I have gone back to the old fashion route ..

Really excited to see the kids tomorrow (flew in too late to see them tonight. )

I also can't wait to get home at the same time so that I can crack on with things. And being that inner skinny out...
Well it is chucking it down with rain... Typical... I'm so drenched after doing the school run, and i only have 1 pair of trousers.... And they are jeans!!! I'm going to be so uncomfortable all day now, as they are quite literally dripping at the bottoms!!!!

Anyway, was good to see the kids, and they loved the presents I brought them over!!

I had a good healthy breakfast, ( I was dreading that one as I thought they would put the whole French spread of croissants and brioche and fattening sickly foods, but I had cereal, and coffee!!!
However I'm not sure what lies in store for me for lunches and dinner! But I know breakfast is good!!!

Just hope that the weather improves!

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Well lunch was nice and healthy too!!! So I'm living this!!!

Chicken cooked with pickled, peppers, onion and served with rice, it's was nice, just a bit unsure if the pickled peppers, they were interesting!!!

Pudding though, I wasn't keen on but that's coz I don't like it, but ate it to be polite, which was bakes oranges (if it was just that I would have been quite happy!!! ) and pink grapefruit :( ( that's the bit I don't like)

But it was nice not to be weighed down with a heavy creamy pudding.

We went into vance (lovely if it wasn't raining)

Now chilling back at the house for another half hour to go and collect the kids from school xxxxxx

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Dinner was fish in garlic crouton type topping, was lovely! And carrots.

Chocolate mousse for pudding, and I gad two Ferraro rochers, also tried some orange liquor thing, which was interesting, but would rather not!!!

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Well this mornings breakfast was the traditional croissants and pain au chocolate... but I just had the one pain au chocolate, and that was all (apart from a coffee and juice.) So I think that was good. Resisted the bread, jams, nutella, croissants etc..

Lunch from what I have seen is something to do with Courgettes but I have no idea what!

We went for a walk in the village this morning and I stood in dog poo! Ehhhh the dad tried to warn me but said it in French so I understood none of it lol... pants!

Lovely place where we are, very pretty and great views.
We have just got back from the most beautiful walk, through a mountain walk, however it was tough and it was steep, and I got so puffed out!

Seriously need to get my fitness back up. Puffed out and now shatted...

Lunch was Courgettes and tomatoes stuffed with mince and baked. Very nice! And then we had icecream for pudding, but after that mountain goat walk (quite literally as there is a goat farm up there lol) I'm not too worried about those calories and the ones from the pain au chocolate!

The kids are about to have dinner. And then we are going to have dinner later.

I think... I can't be sure it will be pork medallion with mashed potato and veg... which I'm starving now so could really do with yummy food.

Early to bed I hope :)
Who are you visiting kes?

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I used to nanny for a family, and they moved to the south of France, last august. So I have come down here to visit them.
I remember you being a nanny. I didn't realise they'd moved to France. Are they trying to talk you into moving ?

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They are trying to talk me into coming back to teach some kids English over the summer (not the kids I nannied for) so yeah.... but I'm not. !!!