well its been a crappy day all round... ehhhhhh
i can not wait to finish work on thursday and not have to worry about any more crap that is going on at work...
FED UP!! lol
i need to work on my emotional eating... anyone got any good books or know of good ways to tackle emotional eating?
well i have had a better day today. and im determined to not let things get to me (esp work related stuff because they are just rubbish)
weight this morning was 13 stone 5.4lbs so thats not so great. hopefully it will start to drop off again when i fully get stuck into it.
well today is my husband and mine 2 year ann for our australia wedding..
those who have me on facebook i have just finally uploaded our wedding pics (its only taken me 2 years!!!)
IT HAS GONE SO FAST though... so i guess i can use that excuse!!
if you want to add me on facebook. i have a link to my face book page above me avatar
Think I had a bad day at work out of sympathy for you today, why do we let it bother us
Congrats on your anniversaryx
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That's where my brother got married. 2nd June 2007. In the temple if something or other! The big blue door place.
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I'm loving the scales...13 stone 3.4lbs. Which is lovely. I can officially say I met my little 7lb goal and I can go buy some eyeshaddow and lipstick.
Just not sure I want to go out in all the horrid Christmas rush, so I might just have to look online for some MAC stuff or something!
I am so not looking forward to work.. but at least I'm not on another early today.. 3 days of them and I'm shatted...
Oh I just can't wait. 3 hours tomorrow and then that's it.ya woop woop!