My Christmas present I guess you could say didn't last long.
Up today to 13 stone 6.2lbs. Which I completely expected, because that's what happens when you go from 3 shakes (and a few other bits) to eating full heavy rich and high in.calorie meals, before you have properly re-fed! But I'm back on it today, and the tablets too to try and stop me from going oh ..... it I am going to just eat rubbish and get on it again in the new year.
I'm going to fit this dress.... (coz I bet now it doesn't do up!)
I'll let you all know how I'm getting on... x
thanks girls... its so nice to have a great support network on here.
scales are 13 stone 3.6lbs (so almost got rid of the boxing day gain)
i do feel a little better this morning, but not overly helping what the hell im going to wear to my interview tommorrow.....
i have not got a clue... smart but casual, and then something i can also play with kids with... i just have not got a clue...
i dont own black jeansi was thinking a dress with leggings/stockings (more casual dress than going out dress)
i have a navy blue dress, but no navy leggings (but navy stockings) will black leggings look ok??
i still have not got a clue to what the hell im going to wear just yet.. ehhhhhh might need to go through the wardrobe.