Still super sore!
Boo to the boobs (feeling exactly the same here) and boo to the nanny agency, hopefully you'll hear soon. We will need some gorgeous pics of you in that dress you know so make sure you take plenty. On the upside, once totm arrives you might lose half a stone in one go from all the bloating!
KB x
That's rubbish, mine are solid but not too sore today, no sign of TOTM tho![]()
Hope you hear something soon about the job Kes....sometimes the worst thing is not knowing! I realloy do hope it works out for you though - I can tell you really need to get out of the place you're at now.
Sorry I haven't dropped in on your diary for a while. I bought myself a tablet just before Christmas but I must admit that I don't find it that easy to write posts on (reverted back to my lappy tonight). I do lurk every day though and see how you're all doing x
Cambridge Diet Consultant Weigh in... where i go to her house, get more products (not that i need any as i have loads still) and talk about how its going, but can just weigh and go if i wanted to
Scales...13 stone 1.8 lbs.
And....... I came on this morning thank goodness as I just can't handle the sore Boobs anymore .
Just got horrendous period pains, and feel so uncomfortable and horrible.
But hopefully that will only last a day or two and then go.
Get to start taking the pill again as of today, so I will finally go back to being regular.
Also starting the little blue pill again today to keep me on track for the next week, to get into this dress....
Eeeekkkkk I've only got a week!