Primal Eating and Intermittent Fasting - Phoenyx's Experiment of One...

A bit achey today after workout yesterday.

B: 2 boiled eggs, Macademia nuts, coffee & cream
L can of tuna, salad, 2sq dark choc, Macademia nuts (note: should have had more fat with this meal to tide me over til dinner)
S: coffee with cream, Macademia nuts, apple
T: large portion of poached salmon, a carrot!, 2 sq dark choc

Exercise an hours walking
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Sooo glad to be home! It was nice to see family but they really didn't get my new way of eating and it caused a lot of problems! Even after I'd been there four days, mum went shopping and came home all pleased because she'd bought me gluten free pate! The list of ingredients was massive and I don't even like pâté much at the best of times! I didn't eat it which upset her :(

They didnt increase my portions of protein or veg at meals, which is fair enough but means I've been eating more nuts and fruits than I would typically.

I'm going to have to get better at explaining this coz it's not going away!

So as much as I enjoyed the break, as soon as I got home I fried up a large steak in coconut oil, accompanied by about half a cauliflower and half a head of broccoli! Now I feel full, sleepy and contented!

2.8 mile run (30 mins) before breakfast, plank, 2 x 10 half pull ups, 3 press ups

11am 2 rashers back bacon, 2 fried eggs, 1 large flat mushroom, fried, coffee & cream
2.30pm jumbo chicken drumstick without skin, 60g king prawns, salad
6pm coffee with splash of soya milk, 70g roasted almonds, 1 sq dark choc
8.30pm sirloin steak fried in coconut oil, broccoli, cauliflower, green tea
Just butting in to agree with Mary! Print off the list and tell her that's as far as it goes. I think people believe it's more complicated than it actually is!
gettingfit said:
Why not just print off Marks Shopping list and show it to your mum.

A fab idea! I basically said no processed food but I'm pretty sure she doesn't know what unprocessed means, which actually is not surprising since even coconut oil is processed to an extent.

She tries so hard which I really appreciate, so then I feel mean and ungrateful. I might send her a little card saying thanks v much for having us and maybe I didn't explain myself very well so here's a list if it helps. You never know, maybe she'll eat more foods on the list...she's got rheumatoid arthritis and is on stacks of drugs with all sorts of nasty side effects, and I'd really like her to experiment with her eating a little, after all, if it doesn't work she can always go back to the way she ate before...
Okay so I haven't used my fitness pal for 2 weeks or so and I thought I'd enter my data for a day to see if my diet was slipping. I know I'm eating too many nuts, but, overall the nutritional profile was v similar to when I stopped using it, a little lower in carbs, even.

A total of 1805 cals (1384 net after exercise) which is just where I want to be, allowing for daily fluctuations.

Carbs - 9% (40g)
Protein - 28% (126g) which is slightly high, I normally aim for 100g
Fat - 62% (124g) perfect :)


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Am weighing in tomorrow for the first time since last wed. I'm normally a daily weigher and I had the excitement of getting on the scales at my mums and being a stone lighter at 11 and a half stone. In just three days. I was sceptical of course, so I put my daughter on and she weighed the same as she does at home, so I was v pleased. Then I had a thought - I put my four stone Daugher on my back and got on the scales....sure enough, together we still weighed 11 and a half. I hadn't lost a stone, the scales were sadly broken ;)

Anyway, tomorrow I'll be delighted if I I've lost any or all of the 3 lbs I gained during my carb-fest last weekend!
Weigh in 12.8.2 :) body fat 40.2%

Down 1.6 lbs from my last pre carbfest weigh in (my weigh in a week ago was actually post carb fest at a whopping 13.0.2!!! )

I'm v pleased (obviously!)

I'm going to try and look up my end on month figures for each month this year. It's something gettingfit does in her diary and it's really interesting.

I need to refer to other sources to fill in the gaps so will return to edit it :)

Dec 2011 14.11
Jan 14.2 (calorie counting)
Feb 13.10 (calorie counting)
Mar 14.2.5 (go lower)
Apr 13.11 (started slim & save, switched to atkins half way through)
May 13.9 (Atkins / paleo)
Jun 12.11 (paleo)
Jul 12.8 (paleo)
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I'm with you on the macadamias. They're just too nice for their own good :)
Phoenyx said:
Today so far:

9am Greek yoghurt, peach, macademias (too many - 100g :0

1pm coffee & cream

4pm 2 soft boiled eggs, bunch of asparagus, 6 slices Parma ham

Oh-oh all fell apart after that! Tea was 8 quality street, 8 fingers of kitkat, 2 bags of crisps, 2 finger rolls with pork loin and fried onion. Carb- mental! And I was up til 2am trying to get my hands on some Olympic tickets. I think I fell off the wagon coz I was hungry but determined not to have anything after my bag of nuts. I'd just been shopping and was due to have a load of kids round so had junk in. Then their mum cancelled and I was left with loads of junk in.

Anyway back on track and a better day today...
Oh-oh all fell apart after that! Tea was 8 quality street, 8 fingers of kitkat, 2 bags of crisps, 2 finger rolls with pork loin and fried onion. Carb- mental! And I was up til 2am trying to get my hands on some Olympic tickets. I think I fell off the wagon coz I was hungry but determined not to have anything after my bag of nuts. I'd just been shopping and was due to have a load of kids round so had junk in. Then their mum cancelled and I was left with loads of junk in.

Anyway back on track and a better day today...

You do make me laugh Phoenyx :)
The very specific list of foods consumed just made me smile x
greeneyedhippychick said:
The very specific list of foods consumed just made me smile x

Well, normally I don't write them down but that's denial, so I've decided that part of my penance for having an unplanned carb-fest is to write it down!

Nobody else seems to fall off the paleo wagon here. I'm feeling a bit of a dunce, it must be said!
I have the occasional Ben and Jerrys or something similar. Part of the 80/20 rule as far as I'm concerned. Funnily enough though I don't find I really want it now. Think it may be to do with being on Dukan for a few weeks. The food list was so restrictive and no leeway allowed with Dukan. This is heaven in comparison. Don't be hard on yourself hun. I think you're doing fantastically well x