I feel so much better today - much more energy, much more playful and less snappy with the kids. Gary taubes is right, it's not that "fat people are lazy", it's that a poor diet saps energy and therefore limits movement. Which makes obesity and lethargy a symptom of a different problem...
Reminder to self next time I feel carb madness taking over:
1. It'll make me feel awful: grumpy, lethargic, bloated, out of control. I won't be able to get up
in the morning. I'll feel hungover. I may get heartburn and other yucky symptoms.
2. I'll stop eating regular meals that day but just eat sugar constantly, which apart from making me feel sh*t, means the kids will eat junk too.
3. Ill be grumpy and less playful with the kids
4. It'll take me at least a week to undo the damage of one carb-mad day.
5. God knows what it's doing to my insides...My
poor liver...
6. My first exercise session back will feel crudy.
7. It's a slippery slope. What if it takes me a week, or more, to get back on track! Argggh!
8. It'll give me spots...
I'm sure there's more - please add any you think of!
I'm going to plan in "indulgences" from now. I'm not perfect and need to accept this.
Rules for indulgences:
1.must be planned in advance
2. Must not be more frequent than once every 2 weeks, but no fewer than once every eight weeks.
3. Can be for a single meal or a whole day, but never more than 12 hours in duration.
4. I can eat whatever I like until I'm full, but not overfull! No bingeing, just enjoying some freedom and hopefully a metabolism boost, then back on track.
5. I must exercise on an indulgence day.
6. When I feel myself sliding, diet wise, it probably means I need to book an indulgence meal, rather than allowing general carb creep